Exporting and Importing Selected Shared and System Table Views
Site and organization administrators can export and import selected
shared and system table views from one
Windchill system to another, so long as both systems are of the same release level. For example, you can export a table view from a test system and import it into a production system.
• Organization administrators can select and export shared table views created by an organization administrator within the same organization.
• Site administrators can select and export:
◦ System table views (the table views provided when the product was installed)
◦ Shared table views created by a site administrator
◦ Shared table views created by an organization administrator
To export a selected shared or system table view:
1. Navigate to the table containing the shared or system table view and select Customize from the view drop-down list.
2. From the Customize View List window:
◦ Click the export icon

in the table row for the view you want to export.
◦ Select check boxes for multiple views, and click the export icon

from the table toolbar.
3. Save the JAR file for the view or views.
To import the exported table views, use the
Import/Export Management utility. For more information, see
Exporting and Importing Data.