Property Value Inheritance
Certain property values on subtypes and attributes can be inherited from the parent type. If the property value is inherited from a parent type, the inherited icon

displays to the left of the property value.
Some inheritable properties can have their inheritance broken. These properties have a checkbox to the right of the property value. You can break property value inheritance from some properties on a subtype or attribute, while retaining the property value inheritance on others. Inheritable properties that cannot be edited have a checkmark

to the right of the property value, rather than a checkbox.
Breaking Property Value Inheritance
To break the inheritance on a property value, use the following procedure:
1. Select Edit from the Actions menu for the type to enter edit mode.
2. Clear the checkbox to the right of the property field. The inheritance icon

Edit the property value; the checkbox to the right of the property value field is automatically cleared, and the inheritance icon

disappears. For properties with localizable values, clicking the localize icon

and editing a property value in the
Localize window removes the inheritance.
3. Click Done to save the change and return to view mode, or click Save to save the change but remain in edit mode. The inheritance relationship is not removed until the change is saved.
| After breaking the inheritance on a property value such as type description, attribute description, or a property value from a localize window such as Master Text or language fields, following behaviour is expected when exporting and importing the type configuration: • If a property is modified with a new value, it is also reflected in the target system • If a property is modified with a blank value, the inherited value instead of blank value is reflected in the target system |
Restoring Property Value Inheritance
To cause a property to inherit the value from the parent type, use the following procedure:
1. Select Edit from the Actions menu for the type to enter edit mode.
2. Select the checkbox to the right of the property field.
The property value refreshes to display the property value of the parent type, and the inheritance icon

displays to the left of the property value field.
3. Click Done to save the change and return to view mode, or click Save to save the change but remain in edit mode. The inheritance relationship is not restored until the change is saved.