Adding a Condition
You can add conditions to constraints which determine when the constraint is applied. Constraints with conditions defined are also known as conditional constraints. More than one condition can be added to a constraint. The constraint is only applied to the attribute when all defined conditions are met.
Each condition is made of a driver attribute, a constraint rule, and data (if applicable for the constraint rule). The constraint only applies when the value of the driver attribute meets the specified rule and its data.
For information on the impact of conditions on constraints in the user interface, see
User Interface Limitations.
To add a condition to an attribute constraint, use the following procedure:
You must be in edit mode to add a condition. The condition is not persisted until your changes are saved. Click Done to save the changes and return to view mode, or click Save to save the changes and remain in edit mode.
1. On the Edit Conditions window, the attribute name and constraint rule for which you are defining a condition are displayed above a table.
Click the new condition icon

to add a condition.
The New Condition window opens.
2. Select a driver attribute from the Choose Driver Attribute list. This list contains all attributes on the type available for use as a driver attribute.
3. Select a constraint rule from the Choose Rule list.
4. If applicable, enter data for the constraint rule. For details on when and how data is specified for each constraint rule, see
Attribute Constraint Rules.
5. Click OK to close the New Condition window and add the new condition to the Conditions table on the Edit Conditions window.
6. Click OK to close the Edit Conditions window.
The conditions now display as a tooltip for the Edit Conditions link in the Constraints table Condition column.