Exporting Shared Teams
A shared team can be exported to be used in another organization. An exported shared team should be used as a copy of a shared team from one context to another. The exported shared team is not intended to be used as a template that can be modified and imported back into Windchill. Roles added to the shared team prior to export will be imported, but role deletions may not be included. For example, you cannot remove the Members role from a shared team.
To export one or more shared teams, use the following steps:
Including placeholder email addresses for shared team members is not supported when exporting and importing shared teams.
1. Navigate to the > page.
2. From the
Shared Teams table, select the checkboxes in the rows of the teams you want to export.
3. Click the export shared team icon

The Export Shared Team window opens.
4. In the File Name field, enter the name of the file you want to use for the exported shared teams. Include either .jar or .zip as the file extension for this file.
5. Click OK.
The ZIP or JAR file is created with the name you entered. It contains an XML file for each shared team you selected to export and a TXT file that lists the XML files in the export. The file is downloaded to your system. Where and how it is placed on your system is based on your browser settings for download (for example, you can choose to have all downloaded files go automatically to a specific directory).
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