Synchronizing Teams with User-Defined Groups
User-defined groups can be created and maintained in organization contexts (using the Groups link or the Participant Administration utility) and in the site context (using the Participant Administration utility), or created and maintained through the use of a third-party LDAP tool in an enterprise directory server.
When a user-defined group is added as a participant of a local or shared team role, the group is added to the role and the group’s members (users) are added individually to the organization groups maintained for the team. This means that if the group membership is changed or the group is deleted, the team organization groups must be removed from the cache and then synchronized with the updated groups so that the organization groups properly reflect the current members of the group.
Synchronizing teams with user-defined groups is done automatically except in the case where new members have been added to or removed from a user-defined group by updating the group in your directory service using a third-party LDAP tool (not Windchill).
A site or organization administrator can synchronize teams with user-defined groups that are updated outside of
Windchill by clicking the recompute team membership icon

that is available from the
Groups table in the
Participant Administration utility. Recomputing team membership removes the group from the participant cache and updates organization groups maintained with each team.
For example, assume the following:
• Your site administrator has created the user-defined group named Sales in the site context.
• You added the Sales group as a member of the Consultant role for the ABC product context.
• Then, the site administrator adds another user from the ACME organization to the Sales group using a corporate third-party LDAP tool.
To update the ACME organization group in the teams using the
Windchill Sales group to include the new member that was added to the LDAP group, the site administrator opens the Participant Administration utility in the site context and displays the
Sales group on the
Groups table. From this table, the site administrator selects the
Sales group and then clicks the recompute group membership icon

By recomputing the group membership for the Sales group, the new member is added to system group that holds ACME organization members in the ABC product team.
| If the groups that have been updated using a third-party LDAP tool are not used in any context or shared teams, you do not need to recompute group membership; however, you should remove the groups from the participant cache by using the remove from cache action that is available from the Groups table in the Participant Administration utility. |