Data Management Capabilities > Managing Part Structures > Developing Advanced Selection Logic for Configurable Modules > Basic Steps for Defining Advanced Selection > Adding a Parameter > User Interface Tab of the Edit Parameter Window
User Interface Tab of the Edit Parameter Window
This tab allows you to modify the property values that are used when you enter inputs for the variant specification. The next table lists the default user interface properties. You can create additional user interface properties. If a different user interface is created, additional user interface properties may be necessary.
Property Name
The Set Parameters step of the part configuration process may not display some input parameters to the user because their values have been determined by some other logical expression and they were defined as Hide When Driven. However, these input parameters are included in the summary of input parameters.
The calculationExplanation provides a method by which the creator of the configurable module can explain why the user did not have an opportunity to provide an answer. This explanation is displayed in the Notes column of the Input Review page.
For example, in the case where the user was asked to select the desired color for the top portion of a product and then the bottom portion of the product. However, for one color of the top portion, only a single bottom portion color was available. If the user selected this color for the top portion, the system would automatically assign the color for the bottom portion. This could potentially confuse the user. The calculationExplanation allows you to provide a reason why the selection is limited in such a case.
This is a numerical value that is used to determine if a list of values will be displayed as a drop-down list or as a set of radio-buttons. If the value of the displayRadio is greater than or equal to the list of available values, they will be displayed as radio buttons. Otherwise, they will be displayed as a drop-down list.
Boolean parameters are always displayed as radio buttons.
Optional explanation of the parameter that appears in the Set Parameters step of the part configuration process.
This is an expression used for formatting the values of the parameter.
URL for the help to be used by the parameter’s input field in the Set Parameters step of the part configuration process.
hide when driven
This Boolean specifier is applicable only to an input parameter. If it is true, the Set Parameters step of the part configuration process will hide this parameter when its value is driven by some constraint.
The height of the image (in pixels).
URL for the parameter's image. The image must be located in a subdirectory of the Windchill/codebase directory and is specified by using a selection tool.
The width of the image (in pixels).
Controls whether multiple parameter values can be selected from the list of allowed values in the Set Parameters step of the part configuration process.
Identifies this parameter as the one that drives the name of the variant.