What’s New > Windchill Workgroup Manager > > Creo Parametric: Support for Creo Ansys Simulation Files
Creo Parametric: Support for Creo Ansys Simulation Files
Product: Windchill Workgroup Manager for Creo Parametric
Windchill Workgroup Manager for Creo Parametric now supports the Creo Ansys simulation files. Creo Ansys simulation uses an FEA solver that offers solution module in Creo and Creo Simulate products. With this support, Windchill can manage the output files (project or result files) generated by the Creo Ansys simulation.
Additional Details
When you save an Creo Ansys simulation files (APR format) from Creo to Windchill, a new document category called Creo Ansys Project is used to save the file in Windchill. These files are associated with its parent Creo model. If you do not want to include the simulation result files along with its Creo model, you can do so by checking in the files independent of the model (does not create a reference link).