Unternehmensverwaltung > Windchill Export und Import > PTC Windchill PLM Connector – Creo Packages Administrator's and User's Guide (PTC Windchill PLM Connector – Creo Packages Administrator- und Benutzerhandbuch) > Creo Packages > Exporting Packages > Exporting a Package > Using the Command Line Utility
Using the Command Line Utility
The command line utility administers Creo Packages commands and arguments for creating packages of Creo Parametric files to be shared from a source system to one or more target systems where Creo Parametric and Creo Packages are installed.
The command line utility is implemented as a combination of argument and variables. It can be used for automatic export scenarios where a script contains one or more command line arguments, or to perform a specific action at the command line, typically by a Creo Parametric user.
The following table contains essential commands for the command line utility:
Command Name
Initiates the export of a package that accepts arguments and values.
Initiates the export of a synchronization package that accepts arguments and values.
Initiates package viewer and takes one package name as input.
Deletes the temporary Creo Packages workspaces that remain in Windchill if WPCExport fails.
Disconnects the Creo Parametric session.
For any command, you can use the argument -help to display help about the command.
The following rules govern command line entries in Creo Packages:
The command line is case sensitive, except when specifying a location.
If a string contains a space or any special characters, such as commas, enclose the string in quotation marks. For example, if the folder name is test folder, enter it as follows:
“test folder”
All directory paths can be either absolute or relative.
If multiple values are allowed, use a comma (“,”) to separate them.
Some objects, such as the Windchill baseline, allow a comma in a name. In this instance, use the backslash escape character (\) to distinguish the comma from the multivalue separator.
The prefixes used in the wpc_preferences.txt file are the following:
%o—Indicates what operation is being performed. Values can be export or import.
%u—The username for Creo Packages.
The directory separator is platform-specific. On Windows the indicator is slash slash (\\) when specifying the paths for a recipe file location or a command line argument location. You can also use the syntax ${dir.sep} as a directory separator. When ${dir.sep} is used in wpc_preferences.txt, the $ is replaced with a \\. The \\ and the ${dir.sep} separators can be used in combination. Following is an example:
Conflict resolution is specified as: conflict.<ConflictType>=<ResolutionType>
ResolutionType can have multiple values. ConflictType can have keywords assigned.
In this example, OVERRIDE_FIRST_ITERATION is the conflict type and INCLUDE is the resolution type that is assigned. Multiple values for OVERRIDE_FIRST_ITERATION could be INCLUDE, SKIP, USE_LATEST_ON-PREVIOUS.
ARE include, skip, use_latest_on_previous

WPCDelete Utility
This utility is applicable to only Windchill PDMLink users.
Creo Packages creates temporary workspaces for users during a WPCExport operation. If the WPCExport does complete successfully, or if an abnormal condition arises, this utility deletes any temporary workspaces created by Creo Packages.
Before running the WPCDelete utility, ensure that no other session is running on the machine, as it also deletes the Creo Packages workspace created in the other session.
Perform the following steps to run the WPCDelete utility:
1. From the command prompt, go to the %WPC_HOME%\bin directory.
2. Execute WPCDeleteWS.bat -<user> -<password>
3. A success or warning message appears with the appropriate user action.
WPCProEShutdown Utility
Creo Packages allows Creo Parametric to run in shared mode. When Creo Parametric is shared, the Creo Packages client uses the available session, instead of creating a new session. A shared connection can be between two or more Creo Parametric users on the same client installation.
Perform the following steps to shut down the shared connections:
1. From the command prompt, go to the %WPC_HOME%\bin directory.
2. Execute WPCProEShutdown.bat -<user> -<password>
3. A success or warning messages appears with the appropriate user action.
Export Commands and Arguments
This section contains common Creo Packages commands and arguments used when exporting a package from a source PLM system.
WPCExport Command
Creo Packages supports the following types of package export using the WPCExport commands:
A complete package export
A complete package export for object ownership transfer
An incremental package export
An incremental package export for Windchill ProjectLink co-installed with Windchill PDMLink
An incremental package cannot be created without using a recipe file.
Complete Package Export
The following table explains the syntax and usage of the WPCExport command for creating a complete Creo Packages package export.
The WPCExport command can also be used with a recipe file.
Argument (long format)
Argument (Short format)
Default: Value specified in preferences or export will fail
Multiple values allowed: No
The baseline is created in the source system to provide a record of the exported package.
-baselinefolder “ORG1/Library/PTC Library/baselines”
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: Yes
A seed argument that specifies one or more baselines in the PLM system. All objects in the baselines are used as seeds for collection.
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
Export command—Name of baseline does not support use of “*” and “?”.
Multiple values are supported when separated by commas, such as in the following example:
-baseline baseline1, basline2
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: If specified, value in export preferences
Multiple values allowed: No
A seed argument that specifies the name of a recipe file and can have only one value. It can be combined with other seed arguments, such as name, baseline, report, and folder.
-recipe d:\wpc\Recipe\PTC_recipe.txt
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty
If the -norecipe argument is specified, a recipe file cannot be used.
Default: From load point WPC_preferences.txt
Multiple values allowed: No
(Optional) Full path to the preferences file when the default path is not used. (Optional)
The default value is WPC_preferences.txt. If WPC_preferences.txt does not exist, the default value is the system default value.
- folder
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
A seed argument that specifies the name of one or more folders in the PLM system. All objects in the folders are used as seeds for collection.
Name of folder seed collections.
-folder ORG1\Product/Product1\Design\CAD\
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
Default: Location specified in preferences, unless user enters the -preview argument.
Multiple values allowed: No
Name and full path of the package that the user wants to view.
Including an extension on the package name is optional.
-package d:\wpc\packages\test
Default: N/A
Use to access command line help.
No; If it is specified, use either the -commentFile or -comment argument (mutually exclusive)
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Attach comments to an export package. The comment file is attached by entering the file path to the comment.txt file.
-commentFile d:\data\temporary\comment.txt
No; If it is specified, use either the -commentFile or -comment argument (mutually exclusive)
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Attach comments to an export package. Comments are enclosed by quotes, or to the path to the text file.
-comment “This is a test package.”
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: Yes
A seed argument that specifies the name of a seed object.
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
Name of a seed object. It is assumed to be the latest iteration of the latest revision.
The option can have multiple values separated by commas.
-name Top.asm, Another_Top.asm
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Overwrite the existing export package.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
User name of the system.
-user <name>
The user name and password arguments are optional. If they are not entered upon execution of the command, Creo Packages prompts you to enter a user name and password to help provide increased security for your system.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
User password of the system.
-password <name>
The user name and password arguments are optional. If they are not entered upon execution of the command, Creo Packages prompts you to enter a user name and password to help provide increased security for your system. The password characters are masked.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Full path to the conflict resolution file used as input.
-resolution d:\data\conflicts\test.csv
Not applicable for theWPCExport_synch command.
Default: If specified, uses the location in preferences
If not specified, it uses the startup directory
Multiple values allowed: No
Location for conflict reports, or the result of the preview list.
-output d:\wpc\packages
If directory does not exist, create one.
Name of the report and results is assigned by the Creo Packages software.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: Yes
Used to pre-generate the list of objects to be exported.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Used to capture results for the list of objects to be exported.
Complete Package Export for Object Ownership Transfer
The WPCExport command can also be used with a recipe file. For detailed information about recipe files, see Exporting Packages Using the Recipe Language.
The following table explains the syntax and usage of the WPCExport command for creating a complete Creo Packages package for transferring the object ownership from the original PLM system owner to a new PLM system owner, or from an owner in a PLM system to a new owner in the same PLM system.
Argument (long format)
Argument (Short format)
Multiple values allowed: No
Specifies the package address location.
Creates the ownership transfer package.
The value should be the system ID (human unreadable value, which can be obtained from the package information). For example:
-newOwner 43584537450947502834023
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Cancels the ongoing ownership transfer process.
This argument is mutually exclusive with -newOwner and -package arguments. There is no value to follow.
For the seed, the best practice is to use the result baseline created when ownership transfer package was created.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
If this argument is specified, it means that a resulting baseline will not be created after the ownership transfer package is created. Any result baseline-related input (location, name) in the command line or preferences is ignored.
Default: Value specified in preferences or export will fail.
Multiple values allowed: No
The baseline is created in the source system to provide a record of the exported package.
-baselinefolder “ORG1/Library/PTC Library\baselines”
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: Yes
A seed argument that specifies one or more baselines in the PLM system. All objects in the baselines are used as seeds for collection.
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
Export command—Name of baseline does not support use of “*” and “?”.
Multiple values are supported when separated by commas. For example:
-baseline baseline1, basline2
Default: The one specified in preferences if any. If not, export will fail.
Multiple values allowed: No
Specifies where the baseline is created upon successful export.
-resultbaselinefolder “ORG1/Library/PTC Library\baselines”
Multiple values allowed: No
Specifies the name of the resulting baseline.
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: If specified, value in export preferences
Multiple values allowed: No
A seed argument that specifies the name of a recipe file and can have only one value. It can be combined with other seed arguments, such as name, baseline, report, and folder.
-recipe d:\wpc\Recipe\PTC_recipe.txt
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
If the -norecipe argument is specified, a recipe file cannot be used.
Default: From load point WPC_preferences.txt
Multiple values allowed: No
(Optional) Full path to the preferences file when the default path is not used.
The default value is WPC_preferences.txt. If WPC_preferences.txt does not exist, the default value is the system default value.
- folder
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
A seed argument that specifies the name of one or more folders in the PLM system. All objects in the folders are used as seeds for collection.
Name of folder seed collections.
-folder ORG1\Product/Product1\Design\CAD\
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
Default: Location specified in preferences, unless user enters the -preview argument.
Multiple values allowed: No
Name and full path of the package that the user wants to view.
Including an extension on the package name is optional.
-package d:\wpc\packages\test
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Use to access command line help.
No; If it is specified, use either the -commentFile or -comment argument (mutually exclusive)
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Attach comments to an export package. The comment file is attached by entering the file path to the comment.txt file.
-commentFile d:\data\temporary\comment.txt
No; If it is specified, use either the -commentFile or -comment argument (mutually exclusive)
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Attach comments to an export package. Comments are enclosed by quotes, or to the path to the text file.
-comment “This is a test package.”
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: Yes
A seed argument that specifies the name of a seed object.
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
Name of a seed object. It is assumed to be the latest iteration of the latest revision.
The option can have multiple values separated by commas.
-name Top.asm, Another_Top.asm
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Overwrite the existing export package.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
User name of the system.
-user <name>
The user name and password arguments are optional. If they are not entered upon execution of the command, Creo Packages prompts you to enter a user name and password to help provide increased security for your system.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
User password of the system.
-password <name>
The user name and password arguments are optional. If they are not entered upon execution of the command, Creo Packages prompts you to enter a user name and password to help provide increased security for your system. The password characters are masked.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Full path to the conflict resolution file used as input.
-resolution d:\data\conflicts\test.csv
Not applicable for the WPCExport_synch command.
Default: If specified, uses the location in preferences.
If not specified, it uses the startup directory.
Multiple values allowed: No
Location for conflict reports, or the result of the preview list.
-output d:\wpc\packages
If directory does not exist, create one.
Name of the report and results is assigned by the Creo Packages software.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: Yes
Used to pre-generate the list of objects to be exported.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Used to capture results for the list of objects to be exported.
Incremental Package Export
The following table explains the syntax and usage of the WPCExport command for creating an incremental package using Creo Packages package export.
The WPCExport command can also be used with a recipe file. For detailed information about recipe files, see Exporting Packages Using the Recipe Language.
Argument (long format)
Argument (Short format)
Default: Value specified in preferences or export will fail
Multiple values allowed: No
The baseline is created in the source system to provide a record of the exported package.
-baselinefolder “ORG1/Library/PTC Library/baselines”
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: Yes
A seed argument that specifies one or more baselines in the PLM system. All objects in the baselines are used as seeds for collection.
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
Export command—Name of baseline does not support use of “*” and “?”.
Multiple values are supported when separated by commas. For example:
-baseline baseline1, basline2
Yes; if not specified, package is empty.
You must specify the -recipe argument for an incremental package.
Default: If specified, value in export preferences
Multiple values allowed: No
A seed argument that specifies the name of a recipe file and can have only one value. It can be combined with other seed arguments, such as name, baseline, report, and folder.
-recipe d:\wpc\Recipe\PTC_recipe.txt
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
If the -norecipe argument is specified, a recipe file cannot be used.
Default: From load point WPC_preferences.txt
Multiple values allowed: No
(Optional) Full path to the preferences file when the default path is not used. (Optional)
The default value is WPC_preferences.txt. If WPC_preferences.txt does not exist, the default value is the system default value.
- folder
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
A seed argument that specifies the name of one or more folders in the PLM system. All objects in the folders are used as seeds for collection.
Name of folder seed collections.
-folder ORG1\Product/Product1\Design\CAD\
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
Default: Location specified in preferences, unless user enters the -preview argument
Multiple values allowed: No
Name and full path of the package that the user wants to view.
Including an extension on the package name is optional.
-package d:\wpc\packages\test
Default: N/A
Use to access command line help.
No; If it is specified, use either the -commentFile or -comment argument (mutually exclusive)
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Attach comments to an export package. The comment file is attached by entering the file path to the comment.txt file.
-commentFile d:\data\temporary\comment.txt
No; If it is specified, use either the -commentFile or -comment argument (mutually exclusive)
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Attach comments to an export package. Comments are enclosed by quotes, or to the path to the text file.
-comment “This is a test package.”
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: Yes
A seed argument that specifies the name of a seed object.
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
Name of a seed object. It is assumed to be the latest iteration of the latest revision.
The option can have multiple values separated by commas.
-name Top.asm, Another_Top.asm
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Overwrite the existing export package.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
User name of the system.
-user <name>
he user name and password arguments are optional. If they are not entered upon execution of the command, Creo Packages prompts you to enter a user name and password to help provide increased security for your system.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
User password of the system.
-password <name>
The user name and password arguments are optional. If they are not entered upon execution of the command, Creo Packages prompts you to enter a user name and password to help provide increased security for your system. The password characters are masked.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Full path to the conflict resolution file used as input.
-resolution d:\data\conflicts\test.csv
Not applicable for the WPCExport_synch command.
Default: If specified, uses the location in preferences
If not specified, it uses the startup directory
Multiple values allowed: No
Location for conflict reports, or the result of the preview list.
-output d:\wpc\packages
If directory does not exist, create one.
Name of the report and results is assigned by the Creo Packages software.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: Yes
Used to pre-generate the list of objects to be exported.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Used to capture results for the list of objects to be exported.
Incremental Package Export for Windchill ProjectLink Objects
The following table explains the syntax and usage of the WPCExport command for creating an incremental package using Creo Packages package export for projects.
The -context argument for projects cannot be used in conjunction with object ownership transfer arguments.
The WPCExport command can also be used with a recipe file. For detailed information about recipe files, see Exporting Packages Using the Recipe Language.
Argument (long format)
Argument (Short format)
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Specifies which context to work with. The value has to be unique per site with Organization information.
-context /PTC/Project/My_project
Default: Value specified in preferences or export will fail
Multiple values allowed: No
The baseline is created in the source system to provide a record of the exported package.
-baselinefolder “ORG1/Library/PTC Library/baselines”
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: Yes
A seed argument that specifies one or more baselines in the PLM system. All objects in the baselines are used as seeds for collection.
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
Export command—Name of baseline does not support use of “*” and “?”.
Multiple values are supported when separated by commas. For example:
-baseline baseline1, basline2
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
You must specify the -recipe argument for an incremental package
Default: If specified, value in export preferences
Multiple values allowed: No
A seed argument that specifies the name of a recipe file and can have only one value. It can be combined with other seed arguments, such as name, baseline, report, and folder.
-recipe d:\wpc\Recipe\PTC_recipe.txt
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
If the -norecipe argument is specified, a recipe file cannot be used.
Default: From load point WPC_preferences.txt
Multiple values allowed: No
(Optional) Full path to the preferences file when the default path is not used. (Optional)
The default value is WPC_preferences.txt. If WPC_preferences.txt does not exist, the default value is the system default value.
- folder
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
A seed argument that specifies the name of one or more folders in the PLM system. All objects in the folders are used as seeds for collection.
Name of folder seed collections.
-folder ORG1\Product/Product1\Design\CAD\
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
Default: Location specified in preferences, unless user enters the -preview option
Multiple values allowed: No
Name and full path of the package that the user wants to view.
Including an extension on the package name is optional.
-package d:\wpc\packages\test
Default: N/A
Use to access command line help.
No; If it is specified, use either the -commentFile or -comment argument (mutually exclusive)
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Attach comments to an export package. The comment file is attached by entering the file path to the comment.txt file.
-commentFile d:\data\temporary\comment.txt
No; If it is specified, use either the -commentFile or -comment argument (mutually exclusive)
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Attach comments to an export package. Comments are enclosed by quotes, or to the path to the text file.
-comment “This is a test package.”
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: Yes
A seed argument that specifies the name of a seed object.
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
Name of a seed object. It is assumed to be the latest iteration of the latest revision.
The option can have multiple values separated by commas.
-name Top.asm, Another_Top.asm
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Overwrite the existing export package.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
User name of the system.
-user <name>
The user name and password arguments are optional. If they are not entered upon execution of the command, Creo Packages prompts you to enter a user name and password to help provide increased security for your system.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
User password of the system.
-password <name>
he user name and password arguments are optional. If they are not entered upon execution of the command, Creo Packages prompts you to enter a user name and password to help provide increased security for your system. The password characters are masked.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Full path to the conflict resolution file used as input.
-resolution d:\data\conflicts\test.csv
Not applicable for the WPCExport_synch command.
Default: If specified, uses the location in preferences
If not specified, it uses the startup directory
Multiple values allowed: No
Location for conflict reports, or the result of the preview list.
-output d:\wpc\packages
If directory does not exist, create one.
Name of the report and results is assigned by the Creo Packages software.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: Yes
Used to pre-generate the list of objects to be exported.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Used to capture results for the list of objects to be exported.
WPCExport Command Syntax/Usage Example
usage: WPCExport -user(-u) -password(-p) [ -norecipe(-c) |
-recipe(-r) ] [ -commentFile(-i) | -comment(-m) ] { [ -name(-n) ] |
[-list(-l) ] | [ -folder(-f) ] | [ -baseline(-b) ] 
[-resultBaselineName(-B) ] [-package(-g) ] [-preview(-v) ]
[-overwrite(-o) ] [-preference(-e) ] [-resolution(-s) ]
[-baselinefolder(-a) ] [-output(-t) ] [-newOwner(-O) ]
[-cancelOwnerTransfer(-C) ] [-noResultBaseline(-S) ] [-context(-N) ]
[-help(-h) ]
WPCExport Command Example
WPCExport.bat -user %user_name% -password %user_password% -preview

WPCExport.bat -user %user_name% -password %user_password% -package
d:\wpc\packages\test.wpc -overwrite -norecipe -name Top.asm,
Top2.asm -comment “test comment” -baselinefolder “ORG/library/PTC
Library/baselines” -resolution d:\data\conflicts\test.csv -output
WPCExport_synch Commands
Creo Packages allows the following types of synchronization package exports:
Synchronization package export
Master synchronization package export for object ownership transfer
For detailed information about synchronization packages, see Synchronization Packages.
Synchronization Package Export
The WPCExport_synch command can also be used with a recipe file. For detailed information about recipe files, see Exporting Packages Using the Recipe Language.
The following table explains the syntax and usage of the WPCExport_synch command for creating a synchronization package export.
Argument (long format)
Argument (Short format)
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: Yes
A seed argument that specifies one or more baselines in the PLM system. All objects in the baselines are used as seeds for collection.
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
Export command—Name of baseline does not support use of “*” and “?”.
Multiple values are supported when separated by commas. For example:
-baseline baseline1, basline2
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: If specified, value in export preferences
Multiple values allowed: No
A seed argument that specifies the name of a recipe file and can have only one value. It can be combined with other seed arguments, such as name, baseline, report, and folder.
-recipe d:\wpc\Recipe\PTC_recipe.txt
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
If the -norecipe argument is specified, a recipe file cannot be used.
Default: From load point WPC_preferences.txt
Multiple values allowed: No
(Optional) Full path to the preferences file when the default path is not used.
The default value is WPC_preferences.txt. If WPC_preferences.txt does not exist, the default value is the system default value.
- folder
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
A seed argument that specifies the name of one or more folders in the PLM system. All objects in the folders are used as seeds for collection.
Name of folder seed collections.
-folder ORG1\Product/Product1\Design\CAD\
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
Default: Location specified in preferences, unless user enters the -preview option
Multiple values allowed: No
Name and full path of the package that the user wants to view.
Including an extension on the package name is optional.
-package d:\wpc\packages\test
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Use to access command line help.
No; If it is specified, use either the -commentFile or -comment argument (mutually exclusive)
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Attach comments to an export package. The comment file is attached by entering the file path to the comment.txt file.
-commentFile d:\data\temporary\comment.txt
No; If it is specified, use either the -commentFile or -comment argument (mutually exclusive)
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Attach comments to an export package. Comments are enclosed by quotes, or to the path to the text file.
-comment “This is a test package.”
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: Yes
A seed argument that specifies the name of a seed object.
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
Name of a seed object. It is assumed to be the latest iteration of the latest revision.
The option can have multiple values separated by commas.
-name Top.asm, Another_Top.asm
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Overwrite the existing export package.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
User name of the system.
-user <name>
The user name and password arguments are optional. If they are not entered upon execution of the command, Creo Packages prompts you to enter a user name and password to help provide increased security for your system.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
User password of the system.
-password <name>
The user name and password arguments are optional. If they are not entered upon execution of the command, Creo Packages prompts you to enter a user name and password to help provide increased security for your system. The password characters are masked.
Default: If specified, uses the location in preferences.
If not specified, uses startup directory.
Multiple values allowed: No
Location for conflict reports, or the result of the preview list.
-output d:\wpc\packages
If directory does not exist, create one.
Name of the conflict reports is assigned by the Creo Packages software.
Synchronization Package Export for Projects
The WPCExport_synch command can also be used with a recipe file. For detailed information about recipe files, see Exporting Packages Using the Recipe Language.
The following table explains the syntax and usage of the WPCExport_synch command for creating a synchronization package export for projects.
The -context argument for projects cannot be used in conjunction with object ownership transfer arguments.
Argument (long format)
Argument (Short format)
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Specifies which context to work with. The value has to be unique per site with Organization information.
-context /PTC/Project/My_project
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: Yes
A seed argument that specifies one or more baselines in the PLM system. All objects in the baselines are used as seeds for collection.
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
Export command—Name of baseline does not support use of “*” and “?”.
Multiple values are supported when separated by commas. For example:
-baseline baseline1, basline2
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: If specified, value in export preferences
Multiple values allowed: No
A seed argument that specifies the name of a recipe file and can have only one value. It can be combined with other seed arguments, such as name, baseline, report, and folder.
-recipe d:\wpc\Recipe\PTC_recipe.txt
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
If the -norecipe argument is specified, a recipe file cannot be used.
Default: From load point WPC_preferences.txt
Multiple values allowed: No
(Optional) Full path to the preferences file when the default path is not used.
The default value is WPC_preferences.txt. If WPC_preferences.txt does not exist, the default value is the system default value.
- folder
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
A seed argument that specifies the name of one or more folders in the PLM system. All objects in the folders are used as seeds for collection.
Name of folder seed collections.
-folder ORG1\Product/Product1\Design\CAD\
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
Default: Location specified in preferences, unless user enters the -preview argument
Multiple values allowed: No
Name and full path of the package that the user wants to view.
Including an extension on the package name is optional.
-package d:\wpc\packages\test
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Use to access command line help.
No; If it is specified, use either the -commentFile or -comment argument (mutually exclusive)
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Attach comments to an export package. The comment file is attached by entering the file path to the comment.txt file.
-commentFile d:\data\temporary\comment.txt
No; If it is specified, use either the -commentFile or -comment argument (mutually exclusive)
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Attach comments to an export package. Comments are enclosed by quotes, or to the path to the text file.
-comment “This is a test package.”
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: Yes
A seed argument that specifies the name of a seed object.
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
Name of a seed object. It is assumed to be the latest iteration of the latest revision.
The option can have multiple values separated by commas.
-name Top.asm, Another_Top.asm
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Overwrite the existing export package.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
User name of the system.
-user <name>
The user name and password arguments are optional. If they are not entered upon execution of the command, Creo Packages prompts you to enter a user name and password to help provide increased security for your system.
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
User password of the system.
-password <name>
The user name and password arguments are optional. If they are not entered upon execution of the command, Creo Packages prompts you to enter a user name and password to help provide increased security for your system. The password characters are masked.
Default: If specified, uses the location in preferences.
If not specified, uses startup directory.
Multiple values allowed: No
Location for conflict reports, or the result of the preview list.
-output d:\wpc\packages
If directory does not exist, create one.
Name of the conflict reports is assigned by the Creo Packages software.
Master Synchronization Package Export for Object Ownership Transfer
The WPCExport_synch command can also be used with a recipe file. For detailed information about recipe files, see Exporting Packages Using the Recipe Language.
The following table explains the syntax and usage of the WPCExport_synch command for creating a master synchronization package for object ownership transfer.
The -context argument for projects cannot be used in conjunction with object ownership transfer arguments.
long format:
short format:
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Specifies if the synchronization package is created in full mode or regular mode.
When this argument is used, the master synchronization is generated.
long format:
short format:
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: Yes
A seed argument that specifies one or more baselines in the PLM system. All objects in the baselines are used as seeds for collection.
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
Export command—Name of baseline does not support use of “*” and “?”.
Multiple values are supported when separated by commas. For example:
-baseline baseline1, basline2
long formats:
-recipe -no recipe
short formats:
-r -c
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: If specified, value in export preferences
Multiple values allowed: No
A seed argument that specifies the name of a recipe file and can have only one value. It can be combined with other seed arguments, such as name, baseline, report, and folder.
-recipe d:\wpc\Recipe\PTC_recipe.txt
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
If the -norecipe argument is specified, a recipe file cannot be used.
long format:
short format:
Default: From load point WPC_preferences.txt
Multiple values allowed: No
(Optional) Full path to the preferences file when the default path is not used.
The default value is WPC_preferences.txt. If the WPC_preferences.txt file does not exist, the default value is the system default value.
long format:
- folder
short format:
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
A seed argument that specifies the name of one or more folders in the PLM system. All objects in the folders are used as seeds for collection.
Name of folder seed collections.
-folder ORG1\Product/Product1\Design\CAD\
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
long format:
short format:
Default: Location specified in preferences, unless user enters the -preview argument
Multiple values allowed: No
Name and full path of the package that the user wants to view.
Including an extension on the package name is optional.
-package d:\wpc\packages\test
long format:
short format:
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Use to access command line help.
long format:
short format:
No; If it is specified, use either the -commentFile or -comment argument (mutually exclusive)
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Attach comments to an export package. The comment file is attached by entering the file path to the comment.txt file.
-commentFile d:\data\temporary\comment.txt
long format:
short format:
No; If it is specified, use either the -commentFile or -comment argument (mutually exclusive)
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Attach comments to an export package. Comments are enclosed by quotes, or to the path to the text file.
-comment “This is a test package.”
long format:
short format:
Yes; if not specified, package is empty
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: Yes
A seed argument that specifies the name of a seed object.
One or more seed arguments must be provided. The seed arguments are: baseline, recipe folder, and name. If no seed argument is specified, the package is empty.
Name of a seed object. It is assumed to be the latest iteration of the latest revision.
The option can have multiple values separated by commas.
-name Top.asm, Another_Top.asm
long format:
short format:
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Overwrite the existing export package.
long format:
short format:
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
User name of the system.
-user <name>
The user name and password arguments are optional. If they are not entered upon execution of the command, Creo Packages prompts you to enter a user name and password to help provide increased security for your system.
long format:
short format:
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
User password of the system.
-password <name>
The user name and password arguments are optional. If they are not entered upon execution of the command, Creo Packages prompts you to enter a user name and password to help provide increased security for your system. The password characters are masked.
long format:
short format:
Default: If specified, uses the location in preferences.
If not specified, uses startup directory.
Multiple values allowed: No
Location for conflict reports, or the result of the preview list.
-output d:\wpc\packages
If directory does not exist, create one.
Name of the conflict reports is assigned by the Creo Packages software.
WPCView Command
The arguments in the following table are common to the WPCView command:
Argument (long format)
Argument (Short format)
Default: N/A
Multiple values allowed: No
Name and full path of the package that the user wants to view.
-package d:\wpc\packages\test.wpc
Default: Startup directory, unless specified in preferences
Multiple values allowed: No
Location for the html page stored.
-output d:\wpc\packages
If the directory does not exist, create one.
Name of the output is assigned by Creo Packages.
WPCView Command Syntax/Usage Example
usage: WPCView -package(-g) [-output(-t) ] [-help(-h) ]
WPCView Command Example
WPCview.bat -package d:\wpc\packages\test.wpc