Grundlegende Verwaltung > Unterstützung der Zusammenarbeit > Workflow-Verwaltung > Workflow-Tools > Workflow Process Manager > Process Manager Properties Pane > Workflow Manager Activity Properties
Workflow Manager Activity Properties
Each activity section begins with a title that reads includes that activity name specified in the workflow template.
Activities are listed in order of their start times, beginning with the earliest.
Each executing activity is given an identification number. Activities that have not executed are displayed, but are not given an identification number.
Each section can be collapsed individually, or you can collapse all process activities.
Activity Details
The Activity Details table lists basic attributes of the activity, such as name, state, and priority.
Activity Name
Name of the activity entered when the workflow template is created.
Current state of the activity.
Date and time that the activity is scheduled to complete. This information is entered during workflow template definition.
Start Time
Date and time the activity started.
End Time
Date and time the activity completed.
Time Until Start
Days, hours, and minutes until the activity starts.
Relative importance assigned to this activity. This is the same as the process priority.
Activity Properties
The Activity Properties section provides more detailed information about the activity.
Description of the activity entered when the workflow template was created.
Instruction for the activity that was entered when the workflow template was created.
Possible Votes
List of choices a participant has to vote on when completing the activity.
Category of the activity entered when the workflow template was created.
Indicates whether the activity deadline has past. Possible values include yes or no.
Indicates whether anyone has been notified that the activity is or will be overdue. Possible values include yes or no.
Responsible Role
The role assignment (for example, creator) of the participants who are notified if the activity becomes overdue. This information is entered during workflow template definition.
Errors that have occurred during activity execution. This contains substantial detail, which can be useful to your system administrator.
Activity Participants
The Activity Participants table lists all participants with a task to complete for the activity. This information is entered during workflow template definition.
Participant Name
Name of voting participant. This information is entered during workflow template definition or determined at runtime.
The function filled by the voting participant (creator, participant, project, role, or variable).
Indicates whether the participant is required to vote.
Completed On
Indicates the time that the task was completed.
Indicates how the participant voted.
Activity Variables
The Activity Variables table provides details for variables associated with the activity. This information is determined during workflow template definition.
Variable Name
Name of the variable entered when the workflow template was created.
Variable Display Name
Localized display name of the variable entered with the workflow template was created.
Current value of the variable.
Variable type entered when the workflow template was created.
Default Value
Default value of the variable entered when the workflow template was created.
Initialized From
Variable from which this variable got its initial value.
Copied Into
Variable to which this variable will copy its final value.