Spezielle Verwaltung > Windchill Umgebung konfigurieren > Using Windchill Configuration Assistant to Configure Windchill > Running the Windchill Configuration Assistant > Troubleshooting xconfmanager Problems
Troubleshooting xconfmanager Problems
The following sections describe common problems related to theWindchill Configuration Assistant and the xconfmanager utility that can occur.
Missing windchillconfigurator.xconf File
If you deleted the windchillconfigurator.xconf file from the <Windchill>/utilities/wca/conf directory, but did not remove the ConfigurationRef element from the site.xconf file, propagating changes by running the xconfmanager utility from the command line causes an error. The ConfigurationRef element names a nonexistent windchillconfigurator.xconf file. In this case, the xconfmanager utility fails with an error similar to the following:
ERROR: Unexpected error (stack trace below):

com.ptc.windchill.structconf.StructConfManagerException: Error scanning xconf files to determine property-to-xconf dependencies caused by: Error parsing file:<Windchill>/Windchill/site.xconf, line 357 (starting at root doc file: <Windchill>/Windchill/site.xconf) caused by: Unable to generate URL for href=<Windchill>/utilities/wca/conf/windchill/windchillconfigurator.xconf'.
To recover from this error, you can either remove the ConfigurationRef from site.xconf or recreate the windchillconfigurator.xconf file:
To remove the ConfigurationRef element, you can use a text editor to edit the site.xconf file or run the uninstallConfigRef target.
To recreate the windhcillconfigurator.xconf file, you can either use the installConfigRef target to create an empty windchillconfigurator.xconf file or run the configureWindchill target with the -Dpropagate=true argument.
The uninstallConfigRef and installConfigRef targets are described in the section “Targets for the site.xconf ConfigurationRef Element” under Ant Command Syntax for Running the Assistant.
Missing ConfigurationRef Element
If you attempt to propagate the changes suggested by the Windchill Configuration Assistant but have not added the ConfigurationRef element to the site.xconf file, the build fails at the point where the ant script attempts to locate the element.
Any intermediate properties files updated from all successful internal target runs that were completed prior to the propagation attempt remain. For example, assume that the propagation is attempted when running the configureWindchill target. Then the intermediate properties files generated before the build failure are not deleted.
An error similar to the following identifies the failure:
ERROR: site.xconf has no ConfigurationRef to
To recover from this failure, you can add the ConfigurationRef element to site.xconf as described in the section "Targets for the site.xconf ConfigurationRef Element" under Ant Command Syntax for Running the Assistant and then run a target that propagates values as described in the section “Targets for Propagating Values from Intermediate Files” under Ant Command Syntax for Running the Assistant.
Manually Setting Properties Outside of the Windchill Configuration Assistant
The Windchill Configuration Assistant property values are stored in a separate XCONF file located at <Windchill>/utilities/wca/conf/windchill/windchillconfigurator.xconf, where <Windchill> is the Windchill installation directory. To view the properties set by the Windchill Configuration Assistant, open the XCONF file in a text editor.
The Windchill Configuration Assistant installation adds the ConfigurationRef element to the site.xconf file to establish the link between site-managed property values and those values set as a result of running the Windchill Configuration Assistant. When propagating values from the site.xconf file, the xconfmanager utility sets the values in the order they appear in the site.xconf file. When it comes to the Windchill Configuration Assistant ConfigurationRef element, it sets the values identified in the windchillconfigurator.xconf file and then goes on to next element in the site.xconf file.
If properties you set manually through the site.xconf file are the same as properties set by Windchill Configuration Assistant, the location of the manual setting in the site.xconf file determines which value is set when the site.xconf file propagation completes:
If the manual property setting comes after the ConfigurationRef element for the windchillconfigurator.xconf file, then the manual setting overrides the value set through the Windchill Configuration Assistant.
If the manual property setting comes before the ConfigurationRef element for the windchillconfigurator.xconf file, then the value set through the Windchill Configuration Assistant overrides the manual setting.
If you have manually set a property value that is also set through the Windchill Configuration Assistant and that value is not being propagated, inspect the site.xconf file to determine its location relative to the ConfigurationRef element for the windchillconfigurator.xconf file.