Spezielle Verwaltung > Site-Wartung > Using Java Management Extensions (JMX) > Using MBeans to Review Queue Attributes
Using MBeans to Review Queue Attributes
Accessing the Queues node allows you to review the information provided in the attributes for individual queues. This information includes values such as the average execution time of entries (AveEntryExecTimeSeconds), the maximum and minimum execution time (MinEntryExecutionTimeSeconds and MaxEntryExecutionTimeSeconds), and the total number of entries that are in the queue (TotalEntries). Additionally, you can review and change notification threshold values for individual queues.
From JConsole, complete the following steps to access the attributes set for individual queues:
1. Start JConsole and select the connection for the server manager.
2. Select com.ptc from the tree.
3. Navigate to the Monitors > Queues node.
4. Expand the Queues node and select a queue of interest.
5. Expand the tree under that queue and select Attributes to display the current values set for the attributes of the queue.
Windchill sends email notifications to those specified in the JMX-Administrators list when notification thresholds for queues are reached. For information about the JMX-Administrators list, see the section Populating the JMX-Administrators List in Setting Up Your JMX Environment.
You can change notification threshold values in the following attributes:
Notification threshold for the total number of queue entries that are in the queue regardless of the status of each entry. If this threshold is exceeded, check the status of the entries.
Notification threshold for the total number of queue entries with the Ready status. If this threshold is exceeded, the problem could be caused by either long execution times for each entry being processed or unusual activity that created a large number of entries (for example, an erroneous workflow could be creating a cascading series of tasks).
Notification threshold for the maximum number of seconds that an individual queue entry should require for execution. If this threshold is exceeded, check the performance of the execution mechanism. For example, check the CAD worker for a Publishing queue or the indexing process for the Indexing queue.