Installation und Upgrade > Installations- und Konfigurationshandbuch > Using the PTC Solution Installer > Installing Windchill Solutions > Optional Product Settings > Windchill Index Search Installation > Windchill Index Search Post-Installation Configuration
Windchill Index Search Post-Installation Configuration
The following prerequisites must be met before you can bulk load a Windchill Index Search library.
The index policy rules for your site must be in place. The default rule is that all indexable objects are indexable across the entire site.
The Windchill Index Search libraries that appear in index policy rules must be properly configured. Ensure that collections are defined in the wt.index.federatedLibraries property.
Bulk Indexing
Once search has been installed and configured, you can use the Bulk Index Tool to load all the objects that belong in the Windchill Index Search libraries. This utility sends objects to a search engine to be indexed according to their domain’s indexing policy.
Enabling Asian Languages
Additional steps are needed to enable Asian languages to work properly with the Windchill Index Search.
To enable Windchill Index Search to work with Chinese characters, use xconfmanger to add or modify the following properties in
Enabling Spelling Suggestions
To enable spelling suggestions in Windchill Index Search, access the following URL as a Solr administrator:
Where <IndexSearchServer> is the index search server (Solr) URL.
The URL needs to be accessed only once and the spelling suggestions will not be available if Solr is set up in a multi-core environment.
Set Properties for the Index Search Client
Set the following property to add the host on which Solr is running as a trusted host in Windchill. This is required to allow Solr to download content from Windchill:
xconfmanager -s wt.auth.trustedHosts=<Solr Host> -t codebase/ -p
If you have installed the index search server in high availability mode (cloud mode), provide the list of Solr hosts separated by commas. For example:
xconfmanager -s, -t codebase/ -p
Set following property to specify the user used by Solr for Windchill authentication when it downloads the content from Windchill:
xconfmanager -s wt.index.solrEffectiveUid=<User ID> -t codebase/ -p
For example:
xconfmanager -s wt.index.solrEffectiveUid=SolrAdmin -t codebase/ -p
One user should be created and granted read and download permission for WTObject. This user is used by Solr to authenticate as a trusted host with Windchill and to download the content of the documents to be indexed.
Running Solr as a Windows Service
This is optional.
The following steps apply when running Windchill Index Search in standalone mode or cloud mode.
1. Complete the installation and post-installation steps outlined in the following sections:
If you are using a standalone index search server:
Installing the Index Search Server in Standalone Mode
Configure the Standalone Index Search Server
If you are using the index search server in cloud mode:
Installing the Index Search Server in Cloud Mode
Configure the Index Search Server in Cloud Mode
2. To run Solr as a Windows service, use the Apache Commons Procrun daemon (prunsrv.exe). This is already packaged with the Solr installation. Navigate to the following location:
3. Execute install_solr_service.bat.
Verify that the “PTC_SolrServer” service is added to the Windows services list and that you are able to start the service.
To uninstall the service, execute uninstall_solr_service.bat.
Running Zookeeper as a Windows Service
This is optional.
The following steps apply when running Windchill Index Search in cloud mode.
1. Complete the installation and post-installation steps outlined in the following sections:
Installing the Index Search Server in Cloud Mode
Configure the Index Search Server in Cloud Mode
2. To run Zookeeper as a Windows service, use the Apache Commons Procrun daemon (prunsrv.exe). This is already packaged with the Zookeeper installation. Navigate to the following location:
3. Execute install_zk_service.bat and verify that the “PTC_ZkServer” service is added to the Windows services list and that you are able to start the service.
4. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for every host where Zookeeper is installed.
To uninstall the service, execute uninstall_zk_service.bat.
When multiple Zookeeper nodes are installed on the same host, then provide the unique service name against the SERVICE_NAME variable in install_zk_service.bat, uninstall_zk_service.bat, and zkServerStop.bat for each node.