Installation und Upgrade > Installations- und Konfigurationshandbuch > Advanced Configurations > Database Initializing and Data Loading > Loading Base and Demonstration Data
Loading Base and Demonstration Data
WindchillLoader is a command line utility that can load data for any of the installed Windchill solutions. It can load base and demonstration data for the selected solution either in interactive or unattended mode.
When you run the data load utility, you are prompted to log on as a user from the Administrators Group. If the user name you enter is not an administrator, then you are prompted to create an administrator user.
During the installation of Windchill Services, you defined a Windchill administrative user to the Web server. In this process, you will use this user name and its password for authentication.
Loading Localized Data
If you are loading localized data into the database, then you must first set the date format to the server locale and then execute WindchillLoader. If you are not loading localized data, then you can skip this step (in which case the locale defaults to English).
Changing the Load Set for Localized Data
By PTC convention, localized files include a locale extension. The locale extension is appended to the file name, but precedes the file type extension, for example, lifecycleInitRule_ja.xml. In this example, _ja is the locale extension. The table below lists the locale extensions:
Table 15. PTC Locale Extensions
Extension Value
Brazilian Portuguese
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Refer to the wt.load.WindchillLoader Class Arguments table in the section WindchillLoader Syntax for further details on the “-Locale” argument of WindchillLoader.
Setting the Date Format to Reflect the Server Locale
Prior to loading the database, the data files provided with this installation may require modification to set the date fields to match the locale setting of the server.
The default date format used in the data files is EN_US (MM/DD/YYYY). If the server locale is something other than this format, then all date fields must be modified to fit your locale. The data files are contained in the XML files which are located in the <Windchill>/loadFiles directory. You only need to consider the XML files relevant to your installation.
To locate the dates that require modification, use an editor that can perform expression matching on the data files. Using this editor, execute the following expression to find the dates that require modification:
This expression will find all entries that match the default MM/DD/YYYY pattern. This expression will also find all entries that match the DD/MM/YYYY pattern.
Using WindchillLoader to Load Data
Review the information in this section to familiarize yourself with the syntax of the WindchillLoader and the examples. After you have reviewed the material, you should be ready to load the Windchill database.
You may have installed only one Windchill solution or multiple solutions consecutively. Perhaps you installed one solution and then at a later date installed another solution. The WindchillLoader will support all of these scenarios. In other words, you can load the database to support the solution you initially installed, install another solution, and then load the database for the second solution.
WindchillLoader Syntax
The WindchillLoader is run from the command line under the direction of the windchill command.The WindchillLoader command syntax is:
windchill wt.load.WindchillLoader [class args]
Where [class args] represents the required and optional executable options.
For additional information about the windchill command, refer to the Windchill Command chapter.
Table 16. wt.load.WindchillLoader Class Arguments
Class Arguments
Loads the base data for all the Windchill solutions that are installed.
-Application=[<app ID>,...]
A comma delimited list of Windchill solutions for which data should be loaded. This argument allows you to choose a specific solution or set of solutions to load.
Each <app ID> must match a value as listed when the -Info report is generated.
Displays a list of the Windchill solutions that are installed and have valid loadsets.
Run this command to obtain the <app ID> values to use with the Application argument.
Loads the base data and the demonstration data for an installed Windchill solution.
By default, if this argument is excluded, then only the base data is loaded.
Loads only the demonstration data for an installed Windchill solution.
To use this argument, the base data must have already been loaded.
Loads the specified localized load files for the specified Windchill solution.
Refer to the section "WindchillLoader Examples" for an example of this argument.
If this argument is provided, the load set framework will do the following:
Adds "_<locale>" to the filename attribute if attribute "localized" is true. The framework will not fall back to the original file name if the locale variant is not found
It will not change the file name if the attribute "localized" is false or not present
If the "-Locale" argument is not provided, the load set framework will use only the filename attribute irrespective of whether the "localized" attribute is true or false.
For the case when a load set is localized, specifying the locale through this attribute would allow the localized version of the load set to be loaded. If no locale has been provided, the load set framework will fall back to the default pre-configured filename.
Runs the loader in unattended mode. The installer will not elicit prompts to the typical questions it poses during the installation.
Displays the help for WindchillLoader.
Loading Base Data Example
The following information provides an example of how to use the WindchillLoader command during a Windchill installation:
To display a list of the installed Windchill solutions available for loading data:
windchill wt.load.WindchillLoader -Info
To load only the base data for a specific solution identified by <app ID>:
windchill wt.load.WindchillLoader -Application=<app ID> -Locale=en
To load the base data and the demonstration data for a specific solution:
windchill wt.load.WindchillLoader
-Application=<app ID> -IncludeDemo -Locale=en
To load the base data and the demonstration data for all installed Windchill solutions:
windchill wt.load.WindchillLoader -All -IncludeDemo -Locale=en
To load the base data and demonstration data for all installed Windchill solutions in unattended mode:
windchill wt.load.WindchillLoader -All -Unattended -Locale=en
To load the localized data for a specific solution, enter the following in a Windchill shell:
windchill wt.load.WindchillLoader -Application=<app ID> -Locale=<locale>
For example,
windchill wt.load.WindchillLoader -
Application=Windchill.PDMLink -Locale=ja
This loads the Japanese version of the Windchill PDMLink solution.
Loading Base Data — Best Practices
The following data load scenarios could exist:
When loading the database for the first time
When loading the database when additional PTC Windchill products are installed
This section describes how to manually load the base data for the first time if you opted not to allow the PTC Solution Installer to load it automatically:
1. Start Apache (HTTP) server.
2. Open a Windchill shell by executing one of the following commands from a command shell.
On UNIX/Linux
<WT_HOME>/bin/windchill --java=<JAVA_HOME>/bin/java shell
On Windows
<WT_HOME>\bin\windchill.exe --java=<JAVA_HOME>\bin\java.exe shell
3. Load Base Data of Windchill by executing one of the following commands from a Windchill shell.
On UNIX/Linux
windchill --javaargs=-Dwt.load.installer.serverManagerTimeout=300
wt.load.WindchillLoader -All -Unattended -AbortOnError -Locale=en
-User=<username> -Password=<password>
On Windows:
windchill.exe --javaargs=-Dwt.load.installer.serverManagerTimeout=300
wt.load.WindchillLoader -All -Unattended -AbortOnError -Locale=en
-User=<username> -Password=<password>