Installation und Upgrade > Installations- und Konfigurationshandbuch > Advanced Configurations > Configuring IIS and Embedded Servlet Engine > Configuration Summary
Configuration Summary
At this time, IIS is configured for Arbortext Publishing Engine and Windchill.
To complete your IIS configuration activities, you should:
If you have installed Windchill, test the Windchill solution that you intend to use with IIS. Installing Windchill is described in this guide. Administrative activities for Windchill are described in Basic Administration.
If you want to use Active Directory Server (ADS) as your enterprise LDAP service, you can do so by configuring Windchill to use it. For details on how to configure Windchill, see the Configure Windchill to Use an Enterprise Directory chapter in this guide.
Additionally, the isapi_redirect connector has additional advanced configuration options and capabilities beyond what is covered in this chapter. For more information, see <Tomcat>\connectors\doc\index.html.