Installation und Upgrade > Installations- und Konfigurationshandbuch > Advanced Configurations > Configuring HTTP Server and Embedded Servlet Engine With Other Options > Configuring a Version of Apache that was Manually Installed
Configuring a Version of Apache that was Manually Installed
If you already have Apache installed and it meets the version criteria defined in the Windchill matrices, then you can use this version of Apache for Windchill with some minor alterations.
In order for your version of Apache to work with Windchill:
The Apache binary must be configured so that it functions properly for Windchill (without any intervention or modification using PTC products).
Apache must include the appropriate LDAP authentication modules and the conf files must load them properly. With Apache 2.4, the modules are part of the Apache source.
Apache must include the proxy and mod_proxy_ajp modules and the conf files must load properly. Also, the configuration line that loads the mod_proxy and mod_proxy_ajp modules must precede the configuration line that includes additions.conf. PTC does not provide the module files to support this scenario. The modules are part of the Apache 2.4 source.
Warning for Windows users. An installation of Apache on or under a Windows drive letter obtained by using the Windows Map Network Drive utility (for example, Windows Explorer > Tools) is not supported. Apache does not operate reliably when located on a mapped drive. Instead, select a local drive such as C or D for installation.
Complete the following instructions to alter your Apache installation for Windchill. After these changes are applied, the PTC installers and Ant scripts will be able to modify your version Apache in the same manner and with the same updates as the PTC-supplied Apache.
1. Configure your Apache so that the PTC installers can process it.
PTC has provided files to overlay and add to your Apache installation. The files are located on the Windchill Third Party Software CD in the Apache/ManualInstall directory. These files must be expanded into your Apache installation to enable the PTC installers to configure your Apache.
a. Insert the Windchill Third Party Software CD.
b. Navigate to the Apache/ManualInstall directory.
c. Expand the compressed files for your platform into the <Apache> directory (root level).
Windows: Unzip the files.
UNIX: Unzip and untar the files.
Any time the overlay is applied, any manual configurations in this file will need to be redone as this step overwrites the custom configuration.
2. Edit the <Apache>/conf/httpd.conf file and add the following lines:
AddDefaultCharset Off

BrowserMatch "MSIE" force-no-vary
The BrowserMatch entry is used to address a Microsoft Internet Explorer bug that impacts Windows clients.
3. Save your changes and close the file.
This completes the changes for your Apache.