Unternehmensverwaltung > Windchill Datenladen > Loading Variant Specifications Using an API
Loading Variant Specifications Using an API
Variant specifications can be loaded using supported Windchill APIs. The following APIs provided out-of-the-box to load standalone variant specification associated with a configurable module, standalone variant specifications associated with an Option Set, managed variant specification, and managed Option Filter:
VariantLoadNavCriteriaBean API
public List<VariantSpecLoadOutputBean> loadVariantSpecs(List<VariantLoadNavCriteriaBean> navCriteriaBeans, List<VariantLoadPartConfigSpecBean> partconfigSpecBeans, List<VariantLoadATORuleConfigSpecBean> atoConfigSpecBeans) throws WTException, WTPropertyVetoException, Exception;
VariantSpecLoadOutputBean API
public List<VariantSpecLoadOutputBean> loadVariantSpecs(List<VariantSpecLoadOutputBean>variantSpecBeans) throws WTException, WTPropertyVetoException, Exception
It is recommended to use the VariantLoadNavCriteriaBean API. The VariantSpecLoadOutputBean API provides a more granular access using objects.
Creation of the variant specification using a user-defined variant specification number is not supported using the out-of-the-box API.