Grundlegende Anpassung > User Interface Customization > Presenting Information in the UI > Adding Custom Modeled Attributes to all Table Views
Adding Custom Modeled Attributes to all Table Views
This section details the steps required to make custom modeled attributes available in the create table view user interface.
Prerequisite: You already have a class with custom modeled attributes. See Attribute Customization for more information.
1. Create a site specific file to describe the new class and its attributes.
For example codebase\AvailableAttributesSite.xml
Create this file and include content in the following format:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>

<Class name="<fully qualified class name>">
<Include name="<fully qualified super class name>"/>
<Attribute id="<attribute name>"/>


<Class name="ext.myCompany.MyCompanyChangeIssue">
<Include name="wt.change2.WTChangeIssue"/>
<Attribute id="myCompanyString"/>
<Attribute id="myCompanyInt"/>
<Attribute id="myCompanyTime"/>
Any attributes you include in this file will be available in all tables that include that class.
2. Modify site.xconf with the following command to include the new file in the attribute lookup.
xconfmanager -s
3. Propogate the xconf changes with the following command
xconfmanager -p
Presenting Information in the UI