Erweiterte Anpassung > Business Logic Customization > Customizing Change Management > Replicated Objects as Change Task Resulting Objects > Customization Points > Create Custom Life Cycle Template for Replicated Objects
Create Custom Life Cycle Template for Replicated Objects
The out of the box (OOTB) Windchill change notice workflow includes a step to promote resulting objects to a Released state. This should not be attempted for replicated objects, however, because their life cycle states are controlled by a different Windchill installation. To prevent this you can create special life cycle templates for replicated objects that, do not include change transitions from non-Released to Released states. The only change transition such templates should include is from the Released state back to itself.
For example, the OOTB Basic workflow includes these change transitions:
1. In Work > Released
2. Released > Released
Replicated objects that use the Basic life cycle template should not include transition In Work > Released , so a new template that does not include this transition should be created.
1. Open the Life Cycle Template Administration utility and use the Save As action to make a copy of an existing template that you want to customize for replicated objects. For example, copy the Basic life cycle to a new one named Basic-ReplicatedObject.
2. Edit the copied template and remove all change transitions from non-Released to Released states, and keep only a change transition from the Released to Released. For example:
3. Save and Check In the custom life cycle template.
4. Repeat this process for all life cycle templates that are used for replicated objects.