Erweiterte Anpassung > Business Logic Customization > Data Exchange using Standards in Windchill > STEP Data Exchange using EXPRESS > STEP Foundation > EXPRESS Tools > EXPRESS Database Tools > Create EDM Database
Create EDM Database
Use this command to create and overwrite the EDM database.
Command Syntax
$> java wt.stepdex.expressschemautil.ExpressDbSchemaManager -createdb [-overwrite] [-dbname (-d) <DBName> -user(-u) <DBContextLoginName> -password(-p) DBPassword -location(-l) DBLocation]
-createdb : Option to create a new EDM database
-overwrite : Option to overwrite on an existing database
DBName : Specify database name
DBContextLoginName : Specify database context login name
DBPassword : Specify the database password
DBLocation : Specify path to database file. This must have the <protocol> suffix in the directory path. For example: <WT_HOME>/edm-home/edm-database/AP214 for AP214 specific command execution.
Create a new Express DB named “db1” at location “D:/temp/edm”
$> java wt.stepdex.expressschemautil.ExpressDbSchemaManager -createdb -d db1 -u superuser -p pwd -l D:\temp\edm
Overwrite an existing DB named “db1” located at “D:/temp/edm”
$> java wt.stepdex.expressschemautil.ExpressDbSchemaManager -createdb -overwrite -d db1 -u superuser -p pwd -l D:\temp\edm
Create DB based on
$> java wt.stepdex.expressschemautil.ExpressDbSchemaManager -createdb [-overwrite]