Adding a New Project / Adding a New Protocol
If you have customized express schema or adopt a new schema or adopt different standards for different customers for a single AP or you want to write your own set of mapping apart from the OOTB mapping; then the following approach needs to be followed.
1. Add a new protocol entry in stepformat.xml located in <Windchill>\codebase\registry\ixb\multiformat directory.
<file>stepdex/ap214/schema/10303-214e2-aim-long.exp </file>
<!-- PART_21 | PART_28 -->
AP214TOWNCNEW should be unique throughout the project. This is a requirement of the Import/Exprt Framework.
2. Add a new value to the enumerator IXFormatProtocolTypeRB
AP214_CUSTOMIZED.value=STEP AP214 protocol (customized)
AP214_CUSTOMIZED.comment=ISO 10303 Standard format
or Application Interpreted Model
(AIM) Part 21/28 (customized)
AP214_CUSTOMIZED.shortDescription=STEP Foundation P 21/28
ith XPX (customized)
Note: - Ensure that key matches with the value of <name> element in protocol entry newly added
3. Configure IXBDocumentDelegate for the new protocol by adding entry in and propagating the same.
<Service context="default" name="wt.ixb.publicforapps.IXDocumentDelegate">
<Option serviceClass="wt.ixb.impl.step.IxbSTEPDocumentDelegate"
selector="AP214_CUSTOMIZED " cardinality="duplicate"/>
4. Use IXFormatType.setProtocol(IXFormatTypeProtocolType) method to set up the protocol.