Grundlegende Anpassung > Windchill Customization Basics > Windchill Utilities > Using the xconfmanager Utility > Listing Property Information
Listing Property Information
Use the -d parameter on the xconfmanager command to list information about one or more properties. To specify multiple properties in the parameter, separate the properties using a comma. The resulting output includes the current value of each property and the location of the files where each property is set.
The following xconfmanager command lists the information for the wt.home property:
xconfmanager -d wt.home
Assuming that the command was executed from the Windows C:\ptc\Windchill\bin directory, then the resulting output is:
Default product root=C:\ptc\Windchill\bin\..

java -jar "C:\ptc\Windchill\bin\..\codebase\WEB-INF\lib\install.jar"
-r "C:\ptc\Windchill\bin\.." -d wt.home

WARNING: Propagation of xconfs to properties was not requested.
To ensure your properties are up to date, re-run with the -p option.

Property information for 'wt.home':
- C:\Windchill
- file:/C:/Windchill/site.xconf, line 9
- file:/C:/Windchill/codebase/, line 17
Using the xconfmanager Utility