Grundlegende Verwaltung > Daten verwalten > Site-Verwaltung > Understanding the Site > Typical Duties of Site Administrators > Managing Arbortext Editor Installation Bundles
Managing Arbortext Editor Installation Bundles
Before Arbortext Editor can be downloaded by users from the PTC server, Arbortext Editor installation bundles must be made available from the user’s Software Downloads page. To accomplish this, an Arbortext section must be added to the Software Downloads page, and Arbortext Editor installation bundles be made available for download. Available installation bundles can later be updated or removed from the Software Downloads page. Only site administrators can perform these tasks.
An installation bundle is an executable file (.exe) approximately 60 MB in size that is created using the Arbortext Editor Deployment Kit. For more information, see the Arbortext Editor Deployment Kit Guide, available from your Arbortext Editor Help Center.
Adding the Arbortext Section to the Software Downloads Page
To add the Arbortext section to the user’s Software Downloads page, use the following procedure:
1. Open a windchill shell.
2. Run the following command:
cd bin
3. Run the following command:
ant -f setupAE.xml enableSoftwareDownloads
4. When prompted to authenticate, provide the username and password of a user with site administration privileges.
When any user now views their Software Downloads page, an Arbortext section appears. A message displays indicating that no downloads are available at this time.
Running this command also creates the Arbortext Downloads folder in the Site > Folders table.
Making Arbortext Editor Installation Bundles Available For Download
To make an Arbortext Editor installation bundle available for download, use the following procedure:
1. Navigate to Site > Folders.
2. From the Folders table, select the Arbortext Downloads folder and click New Document to upload the installation bundle as a Windchill document. (The Arbortext Downloads folder is automatically created when the command in the previous section is run.)
3. On the New Document window, specify the following information in the appropriate fields:
Name—Enter the text that you want displayed to users on their Software Downloads page. As a best practice, include the Arbortext Editor version (including the datecode) and indicate whether the bundle is targeted for a specific user community. For example: “Arbortext Editor 5.4 M020 for the Engineering Group”.
Local File Path—use the exact file name of the installation bundle as provided by Arbortext information architect.
Location—ensure that the location is the Arbortext Downloads folder.
Accept the defaults or follow your company’s best practices to fill in the other fields.
4. Click OK.
After a short delay, the installation bundle will appear as a hyperlink under the Arbortext section on the user's Software Downloads page.
More than one installation bundle can be available for download.
Updating Arbortext Editor Installation Bundles
When an update to an installation bundle is received from the Arbortext information architect, a site administrator can update the installation bundle using either the Replace Content or the Check Out and Edit action for the document. Only the latest iteration of the document is displayed on the Software Downloads page, along with the last updated date.
If the document containing the installation bundle is checked out, the installation bundle does not display on the Software Downloads page.
Keep in mind the following best practices when updating installation bundles:
Use the check-in comments to indicate who provided the new installation bundle iteration, when it was received, and so on. These comments are visible on the information page for the document, where they provide useful information for the administrator. The comments are not visible on the user's Software Downloads page.
If the disk space used by each iteration of an installation bundle (approximately 60MB) is a concern, use the Delete Non-latest Iterations action to remove previous iterations.
Removing an Installation Bundle From the Software Downloads Page
To remove an installation bundle from the Software Downloads page, making it unavailable to users, use one of the following options:
Use the Delete action on the document containing the installation bundle. The document is deleted from the Arbortext Downloads folder, and is no longer available to users.
Revert to a previous version of the document by downloading the desired iteration, and checking it in as the new latest iteration.
Change the lifecycle state of the document to Canceled. The document remains in the Arbortext Downloads folder, but is no longer displayed on the user's Software Downloads page. This option is useful for retaining a record of installation bundles used, or for retaining the installation bundle for future use.