Managing Users
Users can be managed from the
Participant Administration table. See
Finding Participants for information about locating existing users and adding them to the table. Clicking the new user icon

allows you to create a new user.
There are some restrictions for the user name you enter for a new user:
• User names cannot include the following characters: #, /, >, \, and <.
• Because of known problems with the Apache and Sun ONE web servers, user logon names cannot contain multi-byte characters nor extended ASCII characters such as ä, ê, ì, õ, ǚ, æ, and so on.
| Although the Participant Administration utility does not require that users have an email address, the following features in Windchill require that users have an email address: • Giving the site administrator privileges through the > window • Giving the organization administrator privileges through the > window • Enabling the user to create products, libraries, or projects through the > window • Adding the user as a member of a project through the Team window in the Project context |
After a user is added to the table, you can manage the user.
Managing users includes performing the following activities:
• Creating users
• Searching for users
• Editing and deleting users
When deleting users, you can delete them from just the Windchill database or delete them from both the database and the user directory service.
• Creating users from existing users
• Associating users with profiles
• Editing the domain and personal cabinet of a user
• Viewing information about users
• Defining electronic signatures for users
• Assigning pictures for users
• Managing personal cabinet names
From Windchill PDMLink and Windchill ProjectLink, you can administer personal cabinets from > > .
• Purging users from the cache
• Synchronizing the teams’ membership with updated user-defined groups
For more information on performing these activities, see the help available from within the Participant Administration utility.