Grundlegende Verwaltung > Daten verwalten > Projekt- und Programmverwaltung > Understanding Projects and Programs > Configuring Part and Document Relationships (Projects and Programs) > Part to Part Relationships (Projects) > Revised or Saved Parent Part to Child Part (Projects)
Revised or Saved Parent Part to Child Part (Projects)
When a user revises a parent part using the Revise action or saves the part using the Save As action, the new version of the part carries forward the usage link.
To prevent a link from being copied forward on a Revise or Save As action, you must remove copy rules from For example, assume the following properties are set in

The first property sets the delimiter for the copy rules to the comma (,).
The wt.enterprise.copyRulesN property is the Relationship copy rule for wt.part.WTPart. This rule copies the references forward when the type of link is WTPartUsageLink.
If you remove the wt.enterprise.copyRulesN property, then the usage links are not carried forward.
There can be no gaps in the sequence of copy rules. If you remove a copy rule, you must renumber those rules that follow. For example if there are six copy rules and you remove copyRules4, then you must renumber copyRules5 and copyRules6 so that copyRules5 becomes copyRules4 and copyRules6 becomes copyRules5.
Use the xconfmanager utility when modifying the file. For more information on using this utility, see About the xconfmanager Utility. For more information about the properties used for copy rules, see the description of wt.enterprise.copyRules in the properties.html file.
PTC recommends that you do not change the value of the wt.enterprise.copyServiceRules property. The property is used by internal services.