Grundlegende Verwaltung > Daten verwalten > Produkt- und Bibliotheksverwaltung > Understanding Products and Libraries > Best Practices for Object Initialization Rules
Best Practices for Object Initialization Rules
Although you can set object initialization rules for individual product and library contexts, consider the consequences of doing this.
For most sites, the recommended approach is to set the rules at either the organization or site level so that an entire organization or site is using the same set of rules.
If you choose to set different rules in a product or library context, be aware that the ability to move objects between contexts may be restricted. Specifically, if you create a life cycle template in a specific product or library and the template is not available in other products or libraries, then you cannot move any object that uses the life cycle template. The same is true if the team template is unique to a product or library; objects using the team template cannot be moved. Similarly, the versioning scheme used for an object must match the scheme set in the destination product or library or the object cannot be moved.
For demonstration purposes, the Product Design template (available by default when you create a product) includes object initialization rules that sets different default life cycle templates and versioning schemes for parts, documents, and CAD documents than is set out-of-the-box at the site level. This template demonstrates the used of simplified life cycles and state-based versioning. Unless you have overriding business practices that require unique rules, PTC recommends that if you want to use these features, you modify the organization or site object initialization rules and remove them from the Product Design template.