Editing a Custom Collector Category
Only categories that you have created can be edited. In the System Configuration Collector Categories table, the editable glyph  displays to the left of the category name to indicate that a category can be edited. The out-of-the-box categories cannot be edited. |
You can change the name, description, and list of plugins in categories that are editable.
1. From the System Configuration Collector Categories table, select the row containing the category you want to edit and then select Edit from the right-click actions menu.
The Edit Category window opens.
2. Modify the text in the Name and Description fields, as desired.
3. The plugins listed in the Selected Plugins table are the plugins currently selected for this category.
To modify the list of plugins, complete any of the following actions:
◦ Add plugins to the Selected Plugins table by selecting the plugins from the Available Plugins table and clicking Add. Alternately, you can drag and drop plugins into the Selected Plugins table.
To select multiple plugins to add at one time, you can use the standard SHIFT + click and CTRL + click mouse functionality.
View drop-down list on the
Available Plugins table allows you to manage which plugins display in the
Available Plugins table. For information on changing what is displayed in the
Available Plugins table, see
Using the Plugin View List.
◦ Remove plugins from the
Selected Plugins table by selecting the plugins in the table and clicking the remove icon

◦ Remove all plugins from the Selected Plugins table by clicking Remove All (located at the bottom of the table).
4. Click OK to save the changes you made.