Inserting an Existing Part
Select one or more existing parts to insert in the structure of a selected assembly part.
1. Click the
Insert Existing icon

in one of the following locations:
◦ The Editing action set in the Structure tab toolbar on a part information page.
◦ The Uses tab, under the Structure tab, on a part information page.
◦ The > right mouse menu for a part in the structure pane.
2. The Insert Existing window is used to search for one or more existing parts to insert in the part structure. The Search On drop-down list is used to select the part types for which the search will be performed.
| The list of available part types is based upon relationship constraints previously defined by your Windchill system administrator. You must clear the default All Applicable Types selection in order to chose one or more part types from the list. Selected types appear in the Search On field. Hover your mouse over this field to see all chosen part types. Selecting All Applicable Types again will deactivate all previous selections. |
3. Enter additional search criteria in the appropriate attribute fields. For the definition of common part attributes, see
Part Attributes.
| Depending on a preference setting, wildcards may or may not be assumed when you enter your search criteria. The preference is available in the Preference Management table under > . |
4. Click Search or type ENTER. Parts that match the search criteria appear in search results table.
5. Select the parts you want to insert from the search results table and click OK.
The inserted parts appear as a child parts in the product structure beneath the selected part.
| Click on the Uses tab to change attributes such as quantity for the inserted parts. For more information, see Editing in the Uses Tab. |