What’s New > Windchill > > Deployment and Configuration > Windchill Extensions are Available in Windchill
Windchill Extensions are Available in Windchill
User Interface Location: Under Site in the Navigator
Product: Windchill
Windchill Extension Platform is pre-installed in Windchill. Windchill administrators can install, configure, and uninstall the extensions on the fly without restarting Windchill.
Additional Details
Windchill Extension “Engineering Bundles” offer plug-and-play add-ons for Windchill users. These extensions include workflow automations, integrations, watermarking, import and export mechanisms, and so on. There are about 20 extensions offered today, and the offer continues to grow.
Prior to the Windchill release, the Windchill Extensions are fully functional and supported till Windchill 11.0. However, administrators are required to perform a one-time installation of the Windchill Extension Platform followed by a Windchill restart.
Click Site > Extension Center to open the app store from Windchill and download the extensions or apps that are compatible with a given Windchill release.
Click Site > Extension Manager in navigator to view and manage extensions that are installed on your Windchill solution. There are tools available in the Installed Extensions table that can be used to perform administrative actions such as install extensions, download logs, and review diagnostic data.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Preference or property configuration associated with this functionality:
Not applicable
Related Information
For more information, see Getting Started with Windchill Extensions.