Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Transforming an eBOM into an mBOM > Creating an mBOM > Overview of Generate Downstream Structure Action
Overview of Generate Downstream Structure Action
When working on large engineering BOM structures, you have the option to automate the process of generating a manufacturing BOM from a design BOM. The Generate Downstream Structure action generates a downstream structure from an upstream structure using a customizable logic. By default, the action is hidden. The visibility of the action is controlled by the com.ptc.windchill.baseserver.enableGDSAction property in the file located at Windchill/codebase/com/ptc/windchill/baseserver.
The default logic transfers specific parts to the downstream structure and then restructures them according to the various embedded scenarios. For example, adding parent part or removing child part from the transferred structure. You can adapt this default logic using a set of properties or customize it completely through the delegate framework.
Only Manufacturing Manager and Manufacturing Engineering Manager roles can access the Generate Downstream Structure action.
For more information on the default transfer and restructure logic, see Transfer Specific Parts and Restructure Transferred Nodes.
For more information on generating the downstream structure, see Generating a Downstream Structure.
It is not recommended to use the Generate Downstream Structure feature in Windchill release and onwards. If you need to use the logic implemented in the Generate Downstream Structure feature, use the Paste Special feature. You can add the required logic in this feature.