Additional Upgrade Manager Commands
Start the Upgrade Manager within a Windchill shell as follows:
When launching the Upgrade Manager startup script, the following commands can be appended to the Upgrade Manager command for the following purposes:
• -compareschema|-cs
Does the Compare Database Schema step only.
• -addcustomtypedcolumns|-actc
Adds Custom Typed columns (performs no other changes).
• -noui
Runs the Upgrade without launching the user interface.
• -exportTargetConfigBranch
Exports the configuration branch from the LDAP to the following location: <WT_HOME>\Upgrade\UpgradePhases\ConfigureDatabaseAndLDAP.
• -importTargetConfigBranch
Imports the configuration branch created by running the export command to from the LDAP.
• -exportdbhistory <file>
Exports the contents of the database’s install and upgrade history into the specified file.
• -importdbhistory <file>
Reads the install and upgrade history from the specified XML file and replaces the database’s history with the information.