Specialized Administration > Windchill Directory Server Administration > Replication > Sample setup commands for the four-host configuration
Sample setup commands for the four-host configuration
For the four-host configuration, four commands are needed to enable replication and synchronize data. All four servers must be running before entering these commands. If you have an existing server with data, that server must be identified as the hostSource and portSource in the initialize command. The following assumes all servers are on different hosts, and:
the default LDAP port, 389, is being used for both servers,
the default administrative port, 4444, is being used for all servers, and
the default replication port, 8989, is being used for both servers, so the replication ports are not specified in the example.
You will need to modify the baseDN value (o=ptc in this example), hosts, passwords, and, possibly ports to make the following appropriate for your configuration:

dsreplication enable --host1 <server-1> --port1 4444 --bindDN1 cn=manager
--bindPassword1 admin --host2 <server-2> --port2 4444 --bindDN2 cn=manager
--bindPassword2 admin --adminUID admin --adminPassword admin
--noSchemaReplication --baseDN o=ptc --trustAll --no-prompt
dsreplication enable --host1 <server-1> --port1 4444 --bindDN1
cn=manager --bindPassword1 admin --host2 <server-3> --port2 4444 --bindDN2
cn=manager --bindPassword2 admin --adminUID admin --adminPassword admin
--noSchemaReplication --baseDN o=ptc --trustAll --no-prompt
dsreplication enable --host1 <server-1> --port1 4444 --bindDN1 cn=manager
--bindPassword1 admin --host2 <server-4> --port2 4444 --bindDN2 cn=manager
--bindPassword2 admin --adminUID admin --adminPassword admin
--noSchemaReplication --baseDN o=ptc --trustAll --no-prompt

dsreplication initialize-all --hostname <server-1>
--adminUID admin --adminPassword admin --baseDN o=ptc --trustAll --no-prompt