Loading Variant Specifications Using ArrayList API
You can load variant specifications using this API provided out-of-the-box. To invoke the API, make a call similar to this in your Java code:
List<VariantSpecLoadOutputBean> outputBeans = VariantSpecLoaderHelper.service.loadVariantSpecs(variantSpecBeans, existingVariantSpecs);
You must provide the following information for the API:
• A list of VariantSpecLoadOutoutBean objects— Each bean pertains to a variant specification that must be created.
• Each bean must contain the following information:
◦ Name—The name of the variant specification.
◦ Number— A valid variant specification number if you are reconfiguring an existing variant specification.
◦ WTPart—If creating the specification based on the part.
◦ Option set—If creating a specification based on a part, provide the assigned option set for the part. Otherwise, provide a valid option set.
◦ Folder—Folder in which to store the variant specification.
◦ NavigationCriteria object—This object can be persisted. It must have:
▪ Name
▪ Owner
▪ Applicable type, for example, applied to a part
▪ List of WTPartConfigSpec objects
▪ List of NavigationFilter2 objects—These can contain a list of ATORuleConfigSpec objects. An ATORuleConfigSpec represents the Option Filter configuration specification.
◦ A HashMap<String, Set<String>> represents the choice selections in the Option Filter. The keyset on the HashMap is the object identifier for the option, and the Set<String> is a collection of object identifiers for the choices.
• The code must pass the collection of beans to the API.
Each resultant outputBean has a loadStatus object that contains success/failure and other information regarding the creation of the variant specification.