Advanced Customization > Services and Infrastructure Customization > Internationalization and Localization > Localizing Text Visible to the User
Localizing Text Visible to the User
Windchill provides internationalized applications with US English (en_US) as the default locale. We recommend that you provide a localized resource bundle for every other locale that you support.
Resource bundles are used to hold information, generally text, that you may want to modify based on your locale. A resource bundle is a hash table of key/value pairs, where the values are specific to the locale. Every package should have a resource bundle. The Windchill naming convention is as follows: <your package name>.<pkg>Resource.class
Implementation classes have a generated constant, RESOURCE, to identify their fully qualified resource bundle class.
Resource bundles are loaded at runtime based on the system setting or user-specified preference for locale. To load the resource bundle, a Java program calls java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle, specifying the base name of the desired ResourceBundle. For example, the algorithm to find a ResourceBundle named fc.fcResource is as follows:
1. Search for a class with the name fc.fcResource_language_country_variant.
2. Search for a class with the name fc.fcResource_language_country.
3. Search for a class with the name fc.fcResource_language.
4. Search for a class with the name fc.fcResource.
All Windchill resource bundles are provided for the default locale en_US. Because these resource bundles are specified by the base name, they have no extension.
Because IDEs may generate code to handle graphical components and interactions, do not put references to resource bundles in sections that have been generated. If you make any changes and regenerate the code, those references will be lost. Instead, create a localize method that overrides the hard-coded label with the appropriate label from a resource bundle and put it outside the generated code area.
The following example shows how to make visible text locale dependent. For example, within the localize method, the line:
lblUser.setText(RB.getString("lblUser") + ":");
associates the label defined internally as lblUser with the string found in the resource bundle that corresponds to the lblUser key; that is,
The string "User" is then displayed in this label.
static ResourceBundle RB;

public void addNotify() {









private void localize() {


lblUser.setText(RB.getString("lblUser") + ":");
try {
//MultiList column headings
java.lang.String[] tempString = new java.lang.
tempString[0] = RB.getString("Full Name");
tempString[1] = RB.getString("UserID");
tempString[2] = RB.getString("Web Server ID");
tempString[3] = RB.getString("E-Mail");
catch (PropertyVetoException e) {}

(If using rbInfo files, See Resource Info section below.)
package wt.clients.administrator;

import java.util.ListResourceBundle;

public class LabelsRB extends java.util.ListResourceBundle


public Object getContents()[][] {
return contents;

static final Object[][]contents = {
{"lblAllGroups","All Groups"},
{"lblAuthorization","*Web Server ID"},
{"lblBelongs","Groups User Belongs to"},
{"lblFullName","Full Name"},
{"lblGroupName","Group Name"},
{"lblUserName","User Name"},
//Button Labels
{"btnAddAll","Add All>>"},
{"btnAddRemove","Add/Remove Members"},
{"btnAddUsertoGroup","Add User to Group"},
{"btnGenerate","Generate Now"},
{"btnNewGroup","New Group..."},
{"btnNewUser","New User..."},
To create a different localization for this resource bundle, for example, French, you would create a new class in the wt.clients.administrator package called LabelsRB_fr. This class would contain the same label keys, such as "lblAdministrative" but its value would be "administratif" rather than "Administrative". All the other values would likewise be changed to their French counterparts. You would compile the new class; then the Java runtime would be able to find a French resource bundle for the Administrator client.