Specialized Administration > Working with Properties and Command Line Utilities > Single-Level View Version Conversion Command Line Utility > Running the SingleLevelViewVersionConversionUtility Command Line Utility
Running the SingleLevelViewVersionConversionUtility Command Line Utility
During the conversion process, you will not be able to move objects between converted and non-converted contexts. Also, until all contexts are converted, any new contexts will use the multi-level versioning scheme as the versioning scheme is inherited from the context hierarchy.
1. Back up your Windchill database.
2. Launch a windchill shell.
3. Using the following command, run the wt.vc.RevisionLabelCleanser utility to ensure that the versioning data is in a stable state:
java wt.vc.RevisionLabelCleanser -verbose
If any errors occur, contact PTC Technical Support. If there are no errors, continue with the conversion process.
4. From within a windchill shell, run the following command to generate logs with scripts determining which contexts need to be converted and how many objects need to be converted in each:
java wt.vc.views.SingleLevelViewVersionConversionUtility -verbose -gen_scripts
5. Open the log files from the <Windchill>/logs directory, where <Windchill> is the location of your Windchill installation.
6. Copy the scripts from the log files into the windchill shell and run them. The command prompt displays information about each context, including the number of objects to be converted and identity information for each object master to be converted.
7. Use the information generated by the scripts to schedule your conversion. Depending on the number of objects to be converted, you might consider staging this process as the full conversion can take several days. Plan your system downtime accordingly.
8. Run the following command to generate logs with conversion scripts for each context:
java wt.vc.views.SingleLevelViewVersionConversionUtility -verbose -update -gen_scripts
PTC recommends including the -verbose flag to receive more information during the conversion process. This information could help with debugging any issues that may arise during the conversion process.
9. Open the log files from the <Windchill>/logs directory, where <Windchill> is the location of your Windchill installation.
10. Copy the scripts from the log files into the windchill shell and run them.
The command prompt displays information about each context, including the number of objects being converted and identity information for each object master being converted. After each context is converted, a confirmation message appears in the windchill shell with the number of objects that were successfully converted. An error message appears if any objects fail.
11. [Optional] If you are staging your conversion, you can run the following command again to see which contexts remain to be converted:
java wt.vc.views.SingleLevelViewVersionConversionUtility -verbose -update -gen_scripts
12. After all contexts are converted, run the following command to convert the site context, finalize the conversion process, and ensure that any new contexts use the single-level versioning scheme:
java wt.vc.views.SingleLevelViewVersionConversionUtility -finalize