Creating a Document Template
Only administrators can create document templates. For more information, see
Accessing Object Templates.
Document templates can also be created through Windchill Desktop Integration. For more information, see Creating a Document Template in the Windchill Desktop Integration help.
Use the following procedure to create a document template:
1. On your system, create the content file that you want to store as a Windchill document template.
This content file will be used during the Set Attributes step as the primary content source.
2. Navigate to the context under which you want the template stored.
◦ If you want to create templates for a specific project, select the project under
in the
◦ If you want to create templates for a specific program, select the program under
in the
◦ If you want to create templates for a specific product, select the product under
in the
◦ If you want to create templates for a specific library, select the library under
in the
◦ If you want to create templates for a specific organization, select the organization under
in the
◦ If you want to create templates for the entire site, navigate to
in the
3. Click the Templates link.
The Templates table opens.
4. Select Document Templates from the table view drop-down list (if Document Templates is not already the current view).
5. Click the new document template icon

The New Document Template window that opens divides the process for creating a new document template into the following steps:
a. Define Document Template -- For identifying the type of document template and the organization owner (if applicable).
b. Set Attributes -- For attaching the primary content and defining descriptive attributes associated with the primary content and the document template.
c. Set Attachments -- For adding other attachments, otherwise known as secondary content, to the document template.
When you have added all information in the steps provided, click Finish to create the document template.
Initially, all members of the context have read access to the document template created. Administrators of the context have full control over the document template and have access to the
Templates table, where document templates are managed. To restrict access to document templates, administrators can
filter the visibility of the templates.