Viewing Indexing Lists
The indexing rules you create constitute the indexing policy for the domain. An indexing list, derived from the set of rules for a domain and its ancestor domains, is the mechanism Windchill uses to enforce this domain policy. The View Indexing Lists window displays the indexing list for an object type and life cycle state that you specify.
To view an indexing list, click a domain name from the
Domains pane in the
Policy Administration window and select the
Indexing Rules tab. In the
Search Results table, click the view indexing lists icon
. The
View Indexing Lists window opens.
The View Indexing Lists window contains the following search properties:
Field | Description |
Domain | The domain that is displayed in the Indexing Rules tab when you clicked the view indexing lists icon ![](../Windchill_Help_Center/images/IconListView.gif) is the domain that appears in the View Indexing Lists window. |
Context | Displays the context of the domain. |
Type | Select the object type for which you want to view indexing lists. To make a selection, click find ![](../Windchill_Help_Center/images/IconSearch.gif) to open the Find Type window. |
State | Select a life cycle state for the object type. |
Click Search after you have selected a type and state.
The Search Results table displays the collections for which the object is indexed. If there are many results, use Filter table to search the Collection column.
| Multiple View Indexing Lists windows can be opened to allow you to compare lists for different object types and life cycle states. |
Indexing lists are generated for each object type, life cycle state, and domain. Objects are associated with the indexing list of the domain, type, and life cycle state to which they belong. For example, all WTPart objects in a given state and domain are associated with the same indexing list. The indexing list for WTPart objects is different from the list associated with other types of objects (for example, WTDocument objects) that are in the same state and belong to the same domain.
An indexing list for an individual object is obtained by combining all rules that apply to that object. These rules are based on its type, life cycle state, and the domain to which it belongs.
A rule is applicable to a given type when the type or one of its ancestor types is referred to in the indexing rule. For example, if IncidentReport is a subtype of the type WTObject, then a rule that applies to WTObject also applies to IncidentReport. In addition, rules are inherited from ancestor domains.
As previously described, this type and domain hierarchy means that more than one collection may have to be updated when a specific event occurs. Consider the following example:
| Domain | Context | Type | State | Collections |
Rule 1: | / | Site | IncidentReport | ALL | Current, Assignments |
Rule 2: | /Publications | Demo Organization | WTObject | ALL | Assignments |
Rule 2: | /Publications | Demo Organization | IncidentReport | ALL | CustomerX |
The combination of these rules produces the following index list entry for IncidentReport in /Publications:
Domain | Context | Type | State | Collections |
/Publications | Demo Organization | IncidentReport | ALL | Current, Assignments, CustomerX |
As this list entry specifies, the Current, Assignments, and CustomerX collections must be updated whenever an incident report is created or modified that is associated with /Publications domain, which is in the Demo Organization context, regardless of the life cycle state it enters.
When you have defined the indexing rules for your domains, all of the objects with the same domain, type, and state combination for which you have created a rule share an indexing list.
This association between the indexing list and the object is preserved.