Specialized Administration > Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) Server
Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) Server
Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) services are used to simplify integration across the lifecycle management tools. Windchill supports the OSLC specification by default and enable the OSLC clients to use these services to integrate with Windchill.
The Windchill OSLC APIs allow OSLC clients to query and link to Windchill parts based on the OSLC specifications. Windchill supports the following OSLC specifications:
Core 3.0
Configuration Management 1.0 (for exposing Windchill Parts)
The Windchill OSLC Services are responsible for mapping Windchill objects to a corresponding OSLC resource and provide the response for these resources in the requested format. Following are the supported formats:
rdf+xml (Default)
The Windchill OSLC Services can be used only by OSLC clients; non-OSLC clients must use the Windchill (OData) Rest Services (WRS).
OSLC Catalog
The OSLC Catalog can be accessed at http(s)://<server>:<port>/Windchill/oslc/catalog for more information on all available services, resources and terminology.
Configuring OAuth Authorization
The default authorization for the Windchill OSLC Services is basic authorization. An additional configuration step is required to enable OAuth authorization. See Configure OAuth Delegated Authorization for steps to configure Windchill to use OAuth. After Windchill OAuth is configured, set the following Windchill properties:
Property Name
URI for obtaining OAuth authorization
URI for obtaining OAuth access token
URI for obtaining OAuth request token
When the OSLC OAuth properties are configured, the Windchill OSLC Catalog includes the OAuthConfiguration property, which allows OSLC clients to discover that they should use OAuth authorization.
Configuration Required after Windchill Update
To enable the Windchill OSLC Services after updating from a previous version of Windchill, perform the following steps:
1. Add the following entry to %WT_HOME%/codebase/WEB_INF/web.xml
2. To add the OSLC path to the Apache configuration, add the following entry to HTTPServer/conf/conf.d/30-app-Windchill-AJP.conf
JkMount /Windchill/oslc/* ajpWorker
3. To configure the OSLC catalog for anonymous access in the Apache configuration, add the following entry to HTTPServer/conf/conf.d/30-app-Windchill-Auth.conf
<LocationMatch ^/+Windchill/+oslc/catalog(;.*)?>
Require all granted