Inserting a Page Break
Use the following procedure to insert a page break for a parameter:
1. In the Parameters table, select a single row that represents a parameter or child resolution.
2. Click the insert page break icon
. A page break row appears below the selected row.
3. Select the page break row, and click the edit page break properties icon in order to modify the following properties:
Property Name | Description |
imageHeight | Specifies the height of the image to be displayed (in pixels). |
imageURL | Specifies the URL to the image that will appear for the product in the Set Parameters step of the part configuration process. |
imageWidth | Specifies the width of the image to be displayed (in pixels). |
title | Represents the text string appearing in the Set Parameters step of the part configuration process for the configurable module. |
4. Click OK. A new row is displayed in the Parameters table after the selected row. The Expression/Value cell provides information on the page break properties.