Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Transforming an eBOM into an mBOM > Reviewing an mBOM > Overview of Plant Configuration Specification and Plant Filter > Combination of Plant Configuration Specification and Plant Filter
Combination of Plant Configuration Specification and Plant Filter
You can apply the plant configuration specification and plant filter together. When together, the Plant Configuration Specification is processed first. Plant Configuration Specification helps you to get the correct version of the part based on its related plant assignment. On the resultant structure, the plant filter is applied and the parts in a structure are filtered, based on the related plant assignment.
If you select the Apply Plant Configuration Specification check box in the Plant Filter tab of Edit Filter dialog box, the Plant Configuration Specification and Plant Filter are considered to be in sync. That is, the option selected in the Choose a Type list is same for the Plant Configuration Specification and for the Plant Filter.
Perform the following steps to apply the Plant Configuration Specification and the Plant Filter:
1. On the toolbar, click Filter > Edit Filter. The Edit Filter dialog box opens.
2. Click the Configuration Specification tab.
3. In the Choose a Type list, select Assigned Plant, Assigned Plant Date Effectivity, or Assigned Plant Unit Effectivity.
4. In the Plant list, select a plant.
Select the Life Cycle State if you selected Assigned Plant in the earlier step. Optionally, select the Include Work In Progress check box to display the working copy of the corresponding partif it exists. If the Include Work In Progress check box is cleared, the original copy of the part appears.
Enter effectivity details if you selected the type as Assigned Plant Date Effectivity or Assigned Plant Unit Effectivity in the earlier step.
5. Optionally, select the following check boxes:
Apply to top level object to apply the Plant Configuration Specification to the top part node in the part instance structure.
Apply latest for unresolved dependents to apply a latest Plant Configuration Specification to any part instance within the part instance structure, when a version is not selected.
Hide unresolved dependents to hide parts that are not resolved to versions by the Plant Configuration Specification processing and that appear as part masters.
The Hide unresolved dependents check box is unavailable if the Apply latest for unresolved dependents check box is selected.
6. Click Add to add the plant in the To Be Applied section.
Repeat steps 4 to 6 to add multiple plants.
Click Remove to remove the plant from the To Be Applied section.
7. Click the Plant Filter tab.
8. Optionally, select the Apply Plant Configuration Specification check box if you want the Plant Configuration Specification and Plant Filter to be in sync. Go directly to step 12 to complete the process.
If you do not want the Plant Configuration Specification and Plant Filter in sync, clear the Apply Plant Configuration Specification check box and continue with the process.
9. In the Choose a Type list, select Assigned Plant, Assigned Plant Date Effectivity, or Assigned Plant Unit Effectivity.
10. In the Plant list, select a plant. Enter effectivity details if you selected the type as Assigned Plant Date Effectivity or Assigned Plant Unit Effectivity in the earlier step.
11. Click Add to add the plant in the To Be Applied area.
Repeat steps 9 to 11 to add multiple plants.
Click Update to update the type or details of a plant.
Click Remove to remove the plant from the To Be Applied area
12. Click OK.
The plant filter, filters the parts in a structure based on the related plant assignment. Only those parts that are associated with the selected plant appear in the filtered part structure.