Using the Training Tracking Function
To track training tasks, the Document Control Module (Pre-Configured Best Practice with Training Tracking) must be installed.
Roles, groups, and organizations can be associated to documents that contain corporate policies and procedures or work instructions. Training managers can set monitors for late or incomplete training tasks. They can constantly monitor the training status of their organization by procedure and configure the reports to the needs of their company.
Training tasks can be assigned to any type of documents that are installed in Windchill.
If a document is deleted, the associated training records are deleted. Administrators must assign document permissions accordingly.
Assigning Attributes
Documents can have attributes assigned to automatically manage tasks.
• Training interval—Number of days that the training is valid. If this field is set for 365 days, after a user completes training, the training is valid for that user for a year. The Internal Name for this attribute must be trainingInterval and the Data Type for the attribute must be Integer Number.
• Training interval lead time—Number of days before the training expires and training is restarted on that document. If this field is set to 20 days, then the user receives a training task for that document 20 days before the training record expires. The Internal Name for this attribute must be trainingIntervalLeadTime and the Data Type for the attribute must be Integer Number.
• Training on release—This field determines if new training records are created when a document with training records is released. If this field is set to Yes and a document with training records is revised, all related training records are canceled for the original revision when the revision is released. A new training record is created so users can be trained on the new revision. The Internal Name for this attribute must be trainingOnRelease and the Data Type for the attribute must be Boolean.
Assigning Training Records from the Participant Administration Utility
To assign a training record to a user or group of users, do the following:
1. In the Participant Administration utility, select a user, multiple users, groups, or organizations.
2. Select > .
3. In the Select Document window, select a document or multiple documents
4. Click OK. The document appears on the info page for the assignees.
Viewing the Info Page for a User, Group, or Organization
To view the Training Records table on the info page for a user, group, or organization, do the following:
1. Create a new tab.
2. Select > . Assigned training records appear in the Training Records table.
Adding Training Records from the Info Page for a User, Group, or Organization
To add training records to the Training Records table on the info page for a user, group, or organization, do the following:
1. Click the add training record icon
2. In the Select Document window, select a document or multiple documents.
3. Click OK. The training record appears in the Training Records table for the user, group, or organization.
Editing Training Records
To manually edit a training record, do the following:
1. Right-click the document and select Edit Training Record.
2. In the Training Record Details window, update the necessary fields and click OK.
Statuses of Documents
Documents have the following training statuses, which are updated once a day by default:
• Pending—All training records are created in the pending state.
• Required—When training is required for a user, group, or organization, the training record moves to this state.
◦ For groups and organizations, the task immediately changes from a pending state to a required state and the workflow is terminated. A new task is created for individual users in the group or organization.
◦ If the Training Interval attribute is set, an expiration date is set for training record when the user completes training.
• Completed—The user has completed training on the document.
• Expired—The training for the document has expired.
• Canceled—The training requirement has been canceled. When a new revision of a document is released, the training task for the old version is canceled. A task for the new version is created.
| A requirement can be manually updated using the Set State function. These statuses differ from the document state (In Work, Released, and so on). |
Training Tracking Queue
The training tracking queue runs a scheduled process to perform training record updates. The process does the following:
• Training records are created for users who are members of any groups or organizations that have training records, but the user does not already have a training record.
• Expired training records are updated.
• New training records are created for new revisions of documents that are in a Released state. This occurs when a training record exists for the old revision and the Training On Release flag is set to Yes.
• Training records are iterated and new training tasks are created when the Training Interval Lead Time is set and the condition is met to initiate retraining.
By default, the training tracking queue schedules the process to be run once a day at 01:30 server time. This time can be changed by modifying the qualitymanagment.qms.trainingtracking.trainingrecord.queueStartTime property in the file. The format of the property is documented in the xconf file.