Creating a Shared Team
The following people can create shared teams:
• Site administrators can create shared teams in any organization context.
• Organization administrators can create shared teams in their organization context.
• Users who have been added to the Shared Team Creators group can create shared teams in their organization context.
To add users to the Shared Team Creators group, navigate to the > page. Then, select the Shared Team Creators view from the Creators table.
Use the following steps to create a shared team:
1. Navigate to the > page.
2. Click the new shared team icon

at the top of the
Shared Teams table.
The New Shared Team window opens.
3. Enter the name of the team in the Team Name field.
4. By default, your user name appears in the Owner field. To select a different user as the owner, click Find. The Find User window opens, from which you can search for users.
| The owner specified in this field is used only when sending an email to all team owners. This action is available from the Shared Teams table. The owner is not automatically a member of the shared team nor does this user have any special privileges. |
5. [Optional] Enter text in the Description and Invitation Message fields to provide information about the shared team and supply the text for the email invitation.
The invitation message is only used when the shared team is used in a project or program context and new members are added to the shared team.
7. Select whether the shared team can be extended in the application contexts in which the shared team is used.
Allowing the shared team to be extended means that the context team that uses the shared team can also have local roles and members that are not in the shared team. For more information, see
Defining a Team.
8. Click OK to create the shared team and close the window.
Click Apply to create the shared team and keep the window open so you can create additional shared teams.
The user who creates the shared team becomes the Shared Team Manager. You can add users or replace existing users in the Shared Team Manager role from the shared team
Members table.
After a shared team is created, the users who are in the Shared Team Manager role, as well as site and organization administrators, can modify the roles and members of the shared team from the
Members table. Navigate to the
Members table by clicking the view information icon

for the shared team on the
Shared Team table.
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