Adding a Manufacturer Part
Adding a manufacturer part to the AML associates that manufacturer part with the OEM part. You must check out the OEM part if you are logged in as a regular user.
When adding a manufacturer part to the AML, you can associate vendor parts to that manufacturer part in the same operation. This creates the relationship: OEM part > manufacturer part > vendor part.
Adding vendor parts with the vendor part icon  creates a direct association between the OEM part and vendor part. As a result, the new vendor part appears as a separate row in the combined AML/AVL list. If you want to associate a vendor part with a manufacturer part (that is, create the relationship: OEM part > manufacturer part > vendor part), you can either do it while adding a manufacturer part (as described in the following procedure), or you can do it later by using the right-click action Update manufacturer part relationship. |
To add a manufacturer part to the AML:
1. Go to the AML/AVL table.
2. Click the add manufacturer part icon

The Add Manufacturer Part window opens.
3. Search for a manufacturer part.
a. Enter a part name or number and click Search.
| Alternatively, you can search for a part by the manufacturer name. |
b. From the search results, select the part to add to the AML/AVL and click OK.
4. In the Add Manufacturer Part window, select the part sourcing status from the drop-down list.
| The sourcing status can be preset by the rules. |
5. If you want to associate vendor parts to the manufacturer part that you just selected, click Next. Otherwise, click Finish to close the window.
6. To associate vendor parts to the manufacturer part, click the add part icon

and search for a vendor part.
7. From the search results, select the vendor parts that you want to associate. You can add multiple vendor parts in one operation.
The selected parts are added to the list.
8. Set the sourcing status of the vendor parts.
a. Select vendor parts from the list and click

b. Assign the appropriate sourcing status.
c. Click OK.
The sourcing status for the selected parts is set.
9. Click Finish to close the Add Manufacturer Part window.