Data Management Capabilities > Managing Product Family > Product Family Management > Product Family Matrix Editor > Matrix Editor Configurable Module Table > Configurable Module Shortcut Menu Actions
Configurable Module Shortcut Menu Actions
In addition to the Matrix Editor tool bar actions, the following shortcut menu actions are particularly useful for managing the configurable structure:
View Cell Information
Opens a dialog box displaying the information of the selected object when you select a module variant master row or revision row. The dialog box displays the names of the attributes that are displayed in the selected Matrix Editor cell.
This action is available only in case of single row selection when multiple variant baselines are selected in Matrix Editor.
Edit parts, part attributes, or both using the following actions:
Edit Multiple Objects
Edit Attribute Value
Edit Usage Attributes
Edit Common Attributes
Assign Item Expression
Opens the Assign Basic Expression window, where you can assign expressions to parts or configurable parts.
For more information, see Defining Basic Expressions.
Assign Usage Expression
Opens the Assign Basic Expression window, where you can assign expressions to usage links of configurable parts.
For more information, see Defining Basic Expressions.
Edit > Edit Common Attributes
Opens the Edit Common Attributes window, where you can edit the attributes that are common of an object.
For more information, see Editing Common Attributes.
Edit > Rename
Opens the Rename window, where you can select an object to rename it and change its number and possibly the owning organization.
For more information, see Renaming an Object.
Edit > Move
Opens the Move window, where you can:
Move all versions of the object among products and libraries.
View versions of an object within the same product or library.
Move selected versions of an object within the same product or library.
For more information, see Moving an Object.
Assign Item Expression
Opens the Assign Basic Expression window, where you can assign expressions to parts or configurable parts.
For more information, see Defining Basic Expressions.
Assign Usage Expression
Opens the Assign Basic Expression window, where you can assign expressions to usage links of configurable parts.
For more information, see Defining Basic Expressions.
Allows you to replace the selected parts in the tree structure using any of the following options:
Replace with Alternate/Substitute
Replace with Existing
Replace with New
For more information on these options, see Managing Replacement Parts.
Manage Replacements
Opens the Manage Replacements window, where you can define alternate and substitute replacements for the selected parts in the tree structure.
For more information, see Managing Replacement Parts.
Show/Hide Related Information
Allows you to display or hide the related information for:
Selected Revisions: Displays or hides the revision rows for the selected module variant.
This option is available only for module variant rows when using multiple variant baselines. It is not available for a single configurable module.
To display or hide the related information for revision rows, use the Automatically Show Selected Revision in Matrix Editor preference available under Display > Product Family > Matrix Editor. Enabling this preference automatically evaluates the configurable product structure with module variant revision rows. However, it does not automatically expand the revision rows. This adds rows as children to the module variant master. One row is displayed for each revision of the selected module variant, and one additional row is displayed for the latest revision of the module variant.
If this preference is disabled, you must manually expand the revision rows.
Replacement Parts: Displays or hides the alternate and substitute parts
To display or hide the replacement parts, use the Automatically Show Replacement Parts in Matrix Editor preference under Display > Product Family > Matrix Editor. Enabling this preference automatically displays the alternate and substitute parts in the product structure tree.
Update Baseline Objects
Opens the Update Baseline Objects window, where you can update module variants or lower level part revisions that are associated with a variant baseline. For more information, see Update Baseline Objects Window.
This action becomes available for a revision row only when you have selected at least one cell for a variant baseline that can be updated.
Remove Baseline Objects
Removes module variants associated with the variant baseline.
After you remove the association between the variant baseline and the module variants, the configurable part structure displays the appropriate revision of that module variant.
When using multiple variant baselines, the status of the baseline member link is reverted to Undefined. When using a single variant baseline, the Status field is blank since the link is removed.
You cannot use this action for the locked baseline objects.
This action becomes available for a revision row only when you have selected at least one cell for a variant baseline that can be updated.
Select Module Variants
Allows you to create manual selection rules that select module variants to define a variant specification solution. As a result:
This selects the module variants for each of the affected parent configurable modules that are currently defined by the manual selection filtering.
The affected parent configurable modules that are currently using option filtering are switched to using manual selection filtering. Also, you can create manual selection rules for each of these configurable modules to select all their children that were previously selected using option filtering, and to select the user-selected module variants.
The module variants appear as manually-selected items in the Modules tab of the Matrix Editor and on the Structure tab of the Product Family variant information page.
This action is available only for module variants that are not selected for the applicable variant specifications.
This action is not available if the user is not member of either the Platform Structures group or the Platform Structures License profile.
This action is not available if the Create Configurable Module Manual Selection Rules profile action is disabled using the user-defined Standard Profile.
All of the selected module variants are applicable, that is, their affected parent configurable modules are also included for the affected variant specifications.
When you perform this action, all the affected variant specifications are automatically checked out and checked in.
Unselect Module Variants
Allows you to create manual selection rules that unselect module variants to define a variant specification solution. As a result:
This unselects module variants for each of the affected parent configurable modules that are currently defined by manual selection filtering.
The affected parent configurable modules that are currently using option filtering are switched to using manual selection filtering. Also, you can create manual selection rules for each of these configurable modules to unselect all their children that were previously unselected using option filtering, and to unselect user-selected module variants.
The selected module variants appear as manually-excluded items in the Modules tab of the Matrix Editor and on the Structure tab of the Product Family variant information page.
This action is available only for module variants that are applicable for selected variant specifications.
This action is not available if the user is not member of either the Platform Structures group or the Platform Structures License profile.
This action is not available if the Create Configurable Module Manual Selection Rules profile action is disabled using the user-defined Standard Profile.
All of the selected module variants are applicable, that is, their affected parent configurable modules are also included for the affected variant specifications.
When you perform this action, all the affected variant specifications are automatically checked out and checked in.
Include Configurable Modules
Allows you to create manual inclusion rules for the selected configurable modules of the variant specifications. As a result:
For all the affected parent configurable modules that are currently using manual filtering, this action allows you to create manual rules for each of them to include the selected configurable modules.
The affected parent configurable modules that are currently using option filtering are switched to using manual selection filtering. Also, you can create manual selection rules for each of these configurable modules to include all their children that were previously included using option filtering, and to include user-selected configurable modules.
The selected module variants appear as manually-included items in the Modules tab of the Matrix Editor and on the Structure tab of the variant specification information page.
This action is available only for configurable modules that are excluded for the selected variant specifications.
This action is not available if the user is not member of either the Platform Structures group or the Platform Structures License profile.
This action is not available if the Create Configurable Module Manual Selection Rules profile action is disabled using the user-defined Standard Profile.
All of the selected configurable modules are applicable, that is, the affected parent configurable modules are also included for the affected variant specifications.
When you perform this action, all the affected variant specifications are automatically checked out and checked in.
Exclude Configurable Modules
Allows you to create manual exclusion rules for the selected configurable modules of the variant specifications. As a result:
For all the affected parent configurable modules that are currently using manual filtering, this action allows you to create manual rules for each of them to exclude the selected configurable modules.
The affected parent configurable modules that are currently using option filtering are switched to using manual filtering. Also, you can create manual rules for each of these configurable modules to include all their children that were previously included using option filtering, and to exclude user-selected configurable modules.
The selected module variants appear as manually-excluded items in the Modules tab of the Matrix Editor and on the Structure tab of the variant specification information page.
This action is available only for configurable modules that are included for the selected variant specifications.
This action is not available if the user is not member of either the Platform Structures group or the Platform Structures License profile.
This action is not available if the Create Configurable Module Manual Selection Rules profile action is disabled using the user-defined Standard Profile.
All of the selected configurable modules are applicable, that is, the affected parent configurable modules are also included for the affected variant specifications.
When you perform this action, all the affected variant specifications are automatically checked out and checked in.
Use Option Filter
Allows you to switch the configurable modules of the managed variant specifications from using manual selection filtering to using option filtering. The affected configurable modules appear as using option filtering in the Modules tab of the Matrix Editor and the Structure tab on the variant specification information page.
This action is available for configurable modules and their children that are defined by the manual selection filtering, and only when the corresponding variant specification is not already checked out by another user.
All of the selected configurable modules are applicable, that is, their affected parent configurable modules are also included for the affected variant specifications.
When you perform this action, all the affected variant specifications are automatically checked out and checked in.
For all selected configurable modules that are currently using manual selection filtering, this action only disables and does not delete the manual selection rules, so that the rules are available if you want to switch back to using manual selection.
For the following actions, some of the module variants that you have selected are ignored by these actions if the affected variant specifications are checked out by other users or if you do not have the required permissions to update the affected variant specifications:
Select Module Variants
Unselect Module Variants
Include Configurable Modules
Exclude Configurable Modules
New Activity
Project managers use plan activities to schedule work, calculate the overall status of a project or program, and track progress.
For more information, see Plan Activities.
New Change Notice
Creates a change notice while automatically populating the affected objects and impacted objects in the default change task. For more information, see Creating a Change Notice.