Support Changes: Platform Support
Product: Windchill
To take advantage of new features and capabilities introduced with each new platform release, and to remain current with platforms that are no longer supported by their own vendors, PTC routinely updates its list of supported platforms.
Additional Details
For this release, the following changes has been made to platform support:
• Windows Server 2019 is supported with Windchill, with the following exceptions:
◦ STEP Connectors are not supported on Windows Server 2019.
◦ Cognos Server and TIBCO Server are not supported on Windows Server 2019, but can be deployed on separate hosts that are not Windows Server 2019.
• Solaris (all versions) is no longer supported for Windchill servers.
• Windows Server 2008 R2 is no longer supported for Windchill servers
For more information on the most current server platform support, see the
Windchill Software Matrices on