Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Transforming an eBOM into an mBOM > Limiting the Expansion of Tree Structure
Limiting the Expansion of Tree Structure
You can trim a tree structure in upstream and downstream views by limiting the expansion of part nodes. To do so, configure the Stop Structure Expansion By Criteria preference in Preference Management.
Specify the expansion criterion for the preference in the following format.
Type:< part type>
For example,
Type: com.ptc.ElectricalPart
Type: com.ptc.SupplierPart
The expansion of the tree structure is limited till the level where the type specified in preference is positioned. In the first example, you can expand the structure only till the WTSubPart1 part level.
The preference setting does not impact the visualization of a tree structure in the Visualization tab. You can view the entire assembly in the Visualization tab regardless of the value specified in the preference.
Typically, when you select a part in the visualization pane, the part is also highlighted in the tree structure. If the part is not displayed in the tree structure because of the preference value, the parent part is highlighted.