Using Simple, Rich, and HTML Text Components of Cognos
By default, all change summary Cognos reports use rich text component for the attributes Description, Reason, and Proposed Solution. However, you can choose to generate the reports using simple text or HTML text component.
A report using rich text component can be exported in HTML, PDF, and Excel formats. These formats are not supported in the reports that use HTML components. However, there are certain limitations associated with the rich text component as listed below:
• Does not render hyperlinks and tables in reports.
• Does not display background color applied to a single word in Excel format.
To use the HTML text component for generating a Cognos report, load the PDMLinkCognosReports_html_components.xml file.
To use the simple text component (string attributes) for generating a Cognos report, load the PDMLinkCognosReports_Pre11_1.xml file.
These files are stored on the path:<WINDCHILL_HOME>/Windchill/loadFiles/change2.