Authorized Security Label Values
The option to select authorized security label values when creating or editing an agreement is only available if your security label configuration file enabled the step. For more information, see AgreementConfiguration Element in the security labels configuration steps.
When creating or editing an agreement, you can specify which of the configured security label values will be cleared through the agreement in the Select Authorized Security Label Values step in the New Agreement or Edit Agreement windows. By specifying only a subset of the security labels or security label values to which the agreement can apply, you are able to further limit the objects to which your agreement authorized participants have access. For example, your site may have only one type of agreement that applies to multiple values of several security labels. If you have a contract with another company and need to allow temporary clearance to only one of the configured security labels, you can use this step to apply the agreement to only that security label and its values.
In the example below, the Select Authorized Security Label Values step for the Non-Disclosure Agreement would display only the Corporate Proprietary security label and its values. The agreement will only authorize selected values and only the Internal value is selected. Since only the internal value is applied to object A, the user is cleared for the object.
The Select Authorized Security Label Values step displays the security labels that have at least one value for which the selected agreement type has been configured. The list of security label values that restrict access is under the Authorize drop-down list. The list of security label values that do not restrict access are listed under Unrestricted Values.
You can authorize all configured security label values, selected security label values, or no security label values for a given security label.
• All Security Label Values: Clears access for all current security label values configured for the agreement type and any values configured in the future. All security label values that are configured for the current agreement type are selected by default and the checkboxes are disabled. If your configuration changes, any new values with the same agreement type configured will also be authorized by this agreement.
• Selected Security Label Values: Clears access for only the selected security label values for the security label. If this option is chosen, at least one security label value must be selected from this list of applicable values. Though all values that restrict access are listed, only those that are configured for this agreement type can be selected. Values that restrict access but are not configured for the agreement type cannot be selected. If your configuration changes, any new values with the same agreement type configured will need to be added manually if they are also covered under the agreement.
• No Security Label Values: Does not clear access for any current security label values configured for the agreement type or any future configured values. None of the security label values that are configured for the current agreement type are selected and the selection cannot be changed.
| At least one security label value for at least one security label must be selected in this step for the agreement to be valid. |
After your agreement has been saved, the applicable security label values are listed on the agreement information page. If your configuration changes after the agreement is created, the changes are reflected on the agreement information page. If an agreement can no longer clear users for access to a certain label or label value, a warning icon
appears on the information page and the agreement should be edited to change the authorized security label values accordingly.