Additional Windchill Capabilities > Service Information Management > About Windchill Service Information Manager — S1000D Module > Additions to Arbortext Editor > Working with the S1000D Module > Insert an Illustration > Set up Fallback Mechanism for Secondary Content of an Illustration
Set up Fallback Mechanism for Secondary Content of an Illustration
If you are working with an Information Control Number (ICN) illustration that includes primary (CAD source) and secondary (representation) content, you can specify that only secondary content is displayed when viewing the illustration in Arbortext Editor. PTC recommends the best practice of configuring a graphic fallback mechanism for Arbortext Editor. A graphic fallback lists the graphic types that Arbortext Editor should look for as attachments (secondary) content when it encounters a graphic type it does not natively support, for example Creo Illustrate (.c3di).
You can also browse for unsupported file types in Browse Graphic Entities when creating an ICN, if the fallback is in place.
To set up a graphic fallback mechanism, use the add_graphic_fallback(primary, fallbacklist, isPrint) function in Arbortext Editor to define:
primary — the file extension of the primary content file, for example c3di (note: no dot)
fallbacklist — the file extensions of secondary content to look for and use (comma separated list)
isPrint — the output type for which fallback types should apply: 1 for printed output, 0 for online and screen outputs
For example:
add_graphic_fallback("c3di", "pvz, jpg, tif, gif", 0);
Here, the function confirms that Arbortext Editor should look for and use a .pvz, .jpg, or .tif file that is associated to .c3di primary content in an illustration.
For more information, see the Arbortext Help Center, Programming > Arbortext Command Language Reference > Functions.