Supported File Types for Exchanging Secondary Content
This section contains the supported file types for Windchill PDMLink and Pro/INTRALINK.
You can specify the supported file types for secondary content in the wpc_preferences.txt file using the following format:
export.secondary.content.category=@"<file extension>":@<category>.
In this format, category can have multiple values, with each value separated by a comma. For example:
If you want to change the category of the secondary content in Windchill PDMLink and Pro/INTRALINK, you must specify it in the ObjectTypeDefinitions.txt file in the following format:
@"<extension>":@<source category>=@<target category>
Following is a definition of this format:
• @“extension”—Identifies the supported file extension for importing the secondary content. You must provide the extension in the format *.<ext>
• @source category—The file type assigned to an object while exporting.
• @target category—The file assigned to an object while importing.
For example:
The category that you change using this format is also supported by Creo Packages.