Specialized Administration > Windchill Directory Server Administration > Replication > Monitoring Replication > Examining the errors log
Examining the errors log
Some errors encountered during replication are written to the errors log. For example, during conflict resolution, a so-called “unresolved conflict” will be logged in the errors log. Following is an example of such a message.
[25/May/2012:11:31:47.019 -0500] category=CORE severity=NOTICE msgID=458891
msg=The Directory Server has sent an alert notification generated by class
org.opendj.server.replication.plugin.LDAPReplicationDomain (alert type
org.opendj.server.replication.UnresolvedConflict, alert ID 15138885):
An unresolved conflict was detected for DN o=conflict,o=ptc
This message does not necessarily require administrative action. However, an administrator can use this information to resolve the conflict differently, or can search for the losing conflict entry that was saved. Refer to Searching for conflict entries.
You should see similar messages on each server that is part of the replication configuration.